Difference Between Poem and Poetry

April 2023 · 3 minute read

Poem vs Poetry

The two words poem and poetry are interchangeably used although there is a difference between poem and poetry. The inner meanings of poem and poetry are different. Their connotations do differ to some extent. A poem is a piece of literary work. Poetry is an art form. The Oxford dictionary gives more detailed and elaborate definitions of the two terms poem and poetry. A poem is “a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm, and imagery.” Poetry, on the other hand, is “literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.”

More about Poem and Poetry…

In short it can be said that poetry is one of the forms of fine arts. A poem is the fundamental unit of poetry. It can thus be said that poetry is made of poems. In other words, you can say that poems constitute the art form of poetry.

A poet is one who composes poems and creates poetry in the process. He is just like a potter who is adept in making pots and creating the art form of pottery in the process. He alone can be called a poet who creates poetry frequently. He who composes poems occasionally cannot be called a poet but can be called a versifier.

Poetry is the result of the delineation of concepts and feelings by means of the use of the various elements of a language. Sounds and rhythms of words constitute the elements of language.

Poetry is made by or rather a poem is made by putting sense and sound together. For a poem to be created, a poet pays much attention to the words he chooses. The words chosen by the poet should carry some kind of rhythm as well as a meaning. Since rhythm means so much in poetry we find different techniques in poetry connected to sound such as alliteration, onomatopoeia etc.

Poetry is characterized by what is called prosody. Prosody is the science of patterns of rhythms. Since rhythms form the basis of poetry, it is often compared to music. This is because of the fact that music too is qualified by the presence of rhythms.

What is the difference between Poem and Poetry?

Difference Between Poem and Poetry

The word poem is often used in the sense of an individual piece of work. Poetry is a collected work. In other words it is a collective term used to indicate many pieces of individual poems. Poetry is a literary form whereas a poem is a written piece of work.

• Poetry is a literary form, whereas a poem is a written piece of work.

• Poetry is an art form, whereas a poem is a composed work.

• He who composes poems occasionally cannot be called a poet but can be called a versifier.

• A poem is the fundamental unit of poetry. It can thus be said that poetry is made of poems.

Further Reading:

  • Difference Between Poem and Rhyme
  • Difference Between Poetry and Prose
  • Difference Between Poetry and Song
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