Difference Between Picfair and Shutterstock

June 2023 · 5 minute read

If someone is searching for a photo stock platform, they are more likely to chose either Picfair or Shutterstock in the end probably. While both of them have similar features, Shutterstock is a global creative platform with quite a few integrations, unlike Picfair. Not only this, despite having the same features, they both differ based on various aspects.

Picfair vs Shutterstock

The main difference between Picfair and Shutterstock is that the latter integrates with other platforms like Adobe Photoshop, Adscook, Pickit, etc., whereas Picfair has no such kind of integration. Shutterstock has 8 types of integrations in total. Furthermore, Picfair offers no training support to its clients. On the other hand, Shutterstock offers proper documentation and online support 24*7.

Picfair is a picture platform that allows pro and amateur photographers to exhibit their work online via individual storefronts and a centralized market. Picfair is a solid opportunity for artists to sell their photographs, from licenses to posters. Its front page is attractive and informative. Even a graphic artist would agree that the initial impression is encouraging.

Shutterstock is a New York-based stock photo, film, music, and image processing distributor with a global reach. Shutterstock is a database with over 350 million royalty-free real photos, vector images, and drawings, and also over 21 million video clips and music files. Further Shutterstock features, such as the way of sorting image results by color, were added to the regular iOS app.

Comparison Table Between Picfair and Shutterstock

Parameters of ComparisonPicfairShutterstock
Target AudienceAnyone looking for a photography stock platform can go for Picfair.Anyone seeking a globally acclaimed platform where they can find photographs, videos, and music can go for Shutterstock.
SupportPicfair only offers online support and that too during business days and hours.Shutterstock offer 24/7 online customer support to its users.
Teamstack and PickitPicfair isn’t supported by Teamstack and Pickit on any platform.Shutterstock has been given dedicated support by Teamstack and Pickit.
TrainingNo training is provided by the organization from its end.Dedicated training is offered by the organization to its users.
IntegrationsPicfair has 0 integrations with any of the major platforms like Adobe Photoshop.On the other hand, Shutterstock has a total of 8 integrations with different platforms, including Adobe Photoshop.

What is Picfair?

Picfair’s moniker offers the idea of more equitable treatment of photographs than some of its competitors. Picfair does provide substantial advantages over other solutions, such as bigger profitability and superior terms and conditions. This has already made a favorable first impression. The organization generally doesn’t offer any free trial version on its end. 

The front page is well-designed and interesting. A graphic designer would even say that the first appearance is rather reassuring. Signing up is just as simple, requiring only general details to have the user’s profile up and running. The only annoyance, if users are bothered by this sort of thing, is that while there are numerous adverts for Picfair Plus. Even before users sign up, these adverts are very persistent. It can be annoying to be inundated with offers to update to something users never tried previously.

Picfair’s approach to granting a license to a user’s image differs from that of certain other microstock sites. Rather than requiring them to set the license themselves, Picfair will first approve the image and then apply the license they recommend. One may modify this at any time, but it’s a fun way to examine how one’s image fits into their framework of suitable licensing.

What is Shutterstock?

Shutterstock, based in New York, is a worldwide distributor of stock photographs, stock film, stock audio, and photo editing. Shutterstock, owned and operated by developer photojournalist Jon Oringer made an assembly of 350 million royalty-free stock pictures, vector graphics, and vectors, and also over 21 million video clips and sound files. Shutterstock began as a subscription-only service, but in 2008 it extended to include pricing that is done on a per-item basis. It has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 2012.

Jon Oringer, an American businessman and computer programmer, established Shutterstock in 2003. When the need for his photographs outstripped his availability, he began recruiting other contributors. With 570,000 photographs in its database, the company boasted of being the “biggest subscription-based stock image business in the world” in 2006. Shutterstock ventured into film with the launch of Shutterstock Filming in 2006.

Around 2012, Shutterstock for iPad was accompanied by an international apple version that has had 650,000 downloads by 2013. The iOS version app didn’t come with the option to save photographs at first, but it was later added. Additional innovations for Shutterstock were introduced in the standard iOS app, along with the ability to sort image results by color. The company offers a free trial version to all the visitors on a new login.

Main Differences Between Picfair and Shutterstock

  • Anyone looking for a photography stock platform can go for Picfair. On the other hand, anyone seeking a globally acclaimed platform where they can find photographs, videos, and music can go for Shutterstock.
  • Picfair only offers online support, and that too during business days and hours. Shutterstock offers 24/7 online customer support to its users.
  • Picfair isn’t supported by Teamstack and Pickit on any platform. Whereas Shutterstock has been given dedicated support by Teamstack and Pickit.
  • No training is provided by the organization from its end. Dedicated training is offered by the organization to its users in Shutterstock.
  • Picfair has 0 integrations with any of the major platforms like Adobe Photoshop. On the other hand, Shutterstock has a total of 8 integrations with different platforms, including Adobe Photoshop.
  • Conclusion

    Shutterstock has built a variety of tools to aid inverse google image technologies, including one that uses a “convolutional neural network” that it invented. The networking is “basically a computer program that is taught to recognize images – there are hundreds of particular items such as dogs, bikes, and the evening star – and climb up the most custom themes,” according to the company.

    Even though Picfair exposes users to their globalized industry, it seems that the easiest way to achieve success is to do some promotion on their own.


  • https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10350330.2020.1788824
  • https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1461444819867318
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmqJmYs6K10WaYp5xdqLW2wNOeqaysn5i4cA%3D%3D