Difference Between Phosphorus and Phosphate

November 2022 · 3 minute read

Phosphorus is a multi-valent nonmetal chemical element of the VA group. Phosphate is a chemical derivative of the phosphoric acid, containing the phosphate ion (PO3−4). Formally, any salt of a phosphorus oxoacid is a phosphate.

Are phosphate and phosphorus the same thing?

The terms phosphorus and phosphate are often used interchangeably when talking about testing, but it is the amount of inorganic phosphate in the blood that is measured with a serum phosphorus/phosphate test. ... Phosphorus is a mineral that combines with other substances to form organic and inorganic phosphate compounds.

Does phosphate come from phosphorus?

Phosphorus occurs naturally in rocks and other mineral deposits. During the natural process of weathering, the rocks gradually release the phosphorus as phosphate ions which are soluble in water and the mineralize phosphate compounds breakdown. Phosphates PO4-3 are formed from this element.

What is the difference between phosphate and phosphoric acid?

A phosphate, an inorganic chemical, is a salt of phosphoric acid. Inorganic phosphates are mined to obtain phosphorus for use in agriculture and industry. In organic chemistry, a phosphate, or organophosphate, is an ester of phosphoric acid. ... Phosphorous acid, on the other hand, is the name of the triprotic acid H3PO3.

What is the function of a phosphate?

Phosphate is a charged particle (ion) that contains the mineral phosphorus. The body needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles contract. Most (about 85%) of the phosphorus contained in phosphate is found in bones.

Why is phosphorus bad for kidneys?

Normal working kidneys can remove extra phosphorus in your blood. When you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), your kidneys cannot remove phosphorus very well. High phosphorus levels can cause damage to your body. Extra phosphorus causes body changes that pull calcium out of your bones, making them weak.

What are symptoms of low phosphorus?

Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency include loss of appetite, anxiety, bone pain, fragile bones, stiff joints, fatigue, irregular breathing, irritability, numbness, weakness, and weight change. In children, decreased growth and poor bone and tooth development may occur.

Are we running out of phosphorus?

At current consumption levels, we will run out of known phosphorus reserves in around 80 years, but consumption will not stay at current levels. Nearly 90% of phosphorus is used in the global food supply chain, most of it in crop fertilizers.

Where does phosphorus originally come from?

Phosphorus was first made by Hennig Brandt in Hamburg in Germany in 1669. When he evaporated urine and heated the residue until it was red hot. Glowing phosphorus vapour came off and he condensed it under water. And for more than 100 years most phosphorus was made this way.

What are the 4 steps of the phosphorus cycle?

Is phosphoric acid bad for you?

Phosphoric acid is dangerous if you come into contact with it as a chemical substance. The toxic fumes can irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory system.

What type of acid is phosphoric acid?

Phosphoric acid, also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid, is a weak acid with the chemical formula H3PO4. It is normally encountered as a colorless syrup of 85% concentration in water. The pure compound is a colorless solid.

Is phosphoric acid a strong acid?

Strong acids are 100% ionized in solution. Weak acids are only slightly ionized. Phosphoric acid is stronger than acetic acid and so is ionized to a greater extent.
Strong and Weak Acids and Acid Ionization Constant.

HCN (hydrocyanic acid) (weakest)CN− (cyanide ion) (strongest)
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