Difference Between Periods and Groups

June 2023 · 3 minute read

A period is a horizontal row of the periodic table. A group is a vertical row of the periodic table.

What do the period and the group of an element tell you?

The periodic table also has a special name for its vertical columns. Each column is called a group. The elements in each group have the same number of electrons in the outer orbital. ... The atomic number tells you there are seven electrons in a neutral atom of nitrogen.

What do periods mean in the periodic table?

The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called periods. Each period corresponds to the successive occupation of the orbitals in a valence shell of the atom, with the long periods corresponding to the occupation of the orbitals of a d subshell.

How many groups and periods are in the periodic table?

In the periodic table, there are 7 periods and 18 groups.

What are groups in a periodic table?

In chemistry, a group (also known as a family) is a column of elements in the periodic table of the chemical elements. There are 18 numbered groups in the periodic table; the f-block columns (between groups 2 and 3) are not numbered. ... Groups may also be identified using their topmost element, or have a specific name.

What is Group 7 called?

The Group 7 elements are called the halogens. They are placed in the vertical column, second from the right, in the periodic table . Chlorine, bromine and iodine are the three common Group 7 elements.

Why is lithium in period 2?

The second period contains the elements lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and neon. ... Period 2 elements obey the octet rule in that they need eight electrons to complete their valence shell, where at most eight electrons can be accommodated: two in the 2s orbital and six in the 2p subshell.

What is the period in a number?

When a number is written in standard form, each group of digits separated by a comma is called a period . The number 5,913,603,800 has four periods.

What is Period 3 on the periodic table?

The third period contains eight elements: sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and argon. ... All of the period 3 elements occur in nature and have at least one stable isotope.

What are three elements in the same family?

Lithium, Hydrogen, Sodium, or Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium They are all in the same column. Find three elements in the same family and list them. 4. Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorous They are all in the same row.

Which element is in Group 5 Period 4?

Group 5 (by IUPAC style) is a group of elements in the periodic table. Group 5 contains vanadium (V), niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta) and dubnium (Db). This group lies in the d-block of the periodic table. The group itself has not acquired a trivial name; it belongs to the broader grouping of the transition metals.
