Difference Between Parody and Satire

May 2022 · 3 minute read

parodyParody and Satire

Parody and satire are two words that often people get confused with. The difference between the two terms is very complex. It can sometimes be hard to make a distinction, as Satire and Parody are both related to humour.

Well, parody is just a mimicry of an established concept, idea, or a person and satire is something spoken in humour without reproducing the subject directly.

Satire can be said to be more subtle, which involves mockery but without mimicry. Parody on the other hand is just mimicry, only reflecting the actual subjects.

One of the major differences that can be noted between a parody and satire is in regard to their goals. Though both parody and satire conveys humour, they impart different roles in society. Satire is stands for a social or political change. It depicts an anger or frustration trying to make the subject palatable. Satire can be termed as humour and anger combined together. Parody is really meant for mocking and it may or may not incite the society. Parody is just pure entertainment and nothing else. It does not have a direct influence on the society.

While Satire makes a serious point through humour, Parody does not contain any thing serious. Parody is just fun for fun’s sake. Satire can induce the society to think where as parody does not. While satire stands for changing the society, parody only stands for fun and making fun.

Another difference seen is that while satire tempts one to indulge in thoughts through laughing, Parody just imparts laughing only. In Parody, the subject is imitated. A parody is not born if there is no specific target. But in satire there is no imitation.

Satire can stand alone without borrowing statements from any original work. Parody on the other hand does not stand alone and it depends on some original subject to mock.

Satire can be called as a surgery and parody as butchery. Satire can be painful but the cut does not bleed. But Parody cuts deep and imparts pain on the subject who is subjected to mockery.

While parody apes a movie, song, persons, characters, Satire has the society as the subject. When parody has a specific target, satire has a wider target.

1.Parody is just a mimicry of an established concept, idea, or a person and satire is something spoken in humour without reproducing the subject directly.
2.Satire is that stands for a social or political change. Parody is really meant for mocking and it may or may not incite the society.
