Difference Between Olympics and Winter Olympics

June 2023 · 5 minute read

Olympics are greatly admired by people that love sports and games. In Olympics, many countries get a chance to represent themselves with the help of athletes or sportspersons. The games played in the Olympics depend on the type of Olympics. Olympics can be of two types depending on the seasons. The summer and winter Olympics are held in different months at different places.

Olympics vs Winter Olympics

The main difference between Olympics and winter Olympics is that Olympics are organized in the summer months and include summer-based games. On the other hand, the winter Olympics are organized in the winter months and include cold climatic games. The first Olympic was introduced by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1896.

Summer Olympics are played mainly in the summer season with hot climatic conditions. The games such as swimming and badminton are found to be played in the Olympics. The summer Olympics were the first Olympics introduced by the IOC in 1896. The number of events in the summer Olympics is very high as compared to the winter Olympics.

Winter Olympics are played in cool weather during the winter months. The sports such as skiing and ice skating are played in the winter Olympics. The winter Olympics was introduced in 1924 for adding winter sports to the Olympics. The winter Olympics are a good way to bring spectators in the winter months. Due to the huge fan following of the summer Olympics, the fan base of the winter Olympics is slightly less.

Comparison Table Between Olympics and Winter Olympics

Parameters of Comparison                                        Olympics           Winter Olympics    
Introduced in   1896     1924
Type of sports  Winter based sports     Summer based sports
Popularity    Popularity is extremely hugePopularity is slightly less than summer Olympics
Season              Summer seasonWinter season
Viewers       The number of viewers on television is very high.  The number of viewers on television is less.

What is Olympics?

Olympics are celebrated for arranging a huge number of sports between countries. The summer Olympics are strictly arranged in the summer months to give a contrasting view to the winter Olympics. Summer Olympics are very popular due to their authenticity and variety of events. Summer Olympics are the first type of Olympics introduced by the IOC.

The place for the organization of the summer Olympics is decided by the IOC. The United States has won the highest number of medals in the Summer Olympics. Summer sports such as football and volleyball are included in the Summer Olympics. The athletics events are also included in the Summer Olympics.

The summer Olympics are longer as compared to the winter Olympics. The sports played in the summer Olympics are huge in numbers, and this makes it more popular than the winter Olympics. The viewers of the summer Olympics are found worldwide due to its popularity. More than 200 nations are invited to participate in the Summer Olympics.

The summer Olympics helps the sportsperson to show brilliant skills and talent to the whole world. The length or lasting time of the summer Olympics would be more than 14 days or as decided by the International Olympics Committee.

What is Winter Olympics?

Winter Olympics were introduced after the summer Olympics. The popularity of the winter Olympics is less due to less number of events and sports. The type of sports played in the winter Olympics are completely suitable for the winter climate. The sports such as ice hockey and figure skating are played in the winter Olympics.

In the winter Olympics, the winners of the competition are awarded gold medals. The length of the winter Olympics is shorter as compared to the summer Olympics. The popularity of the Winter Olympics is seen worldwide due to many nations participating in it. The number of countries or nations participating in the Winter Olympics would be more than 200.

The winter Olympics are loved by people who love sports based on cold climatic conditions. The number of events in the winter Olympics is slightly less as compared to the summer Olympics. The number of winter sports is very limited, and this would make the winter Olympics shorter than the summer Olympics.

The winter Olympics events come on the television that viewers can watch globally staying at their homes. The sportspersons participating in the winter Olympics are different from the summer Olympics, and these sportspersons represent the country globally.

The lasting time of the winter Olympics would be more than 12 days or as decided by the International Olympics Committee.

Main Differences Between Olympics and Winter Olympics

  • Summer Olympics are for sportspersons with expertise in summer sports. Winter Olympics are for the sportsperson with expertise in winter sports.
  • Summer Olympics was introduced in 1896. Winter Olympics was introduced in 1924.
  • Summer Olympics have a huge fan following and television viewers worldwide. The fan following and television viewers of the winter Olympics are slightly less as compared to the summer Olympics.
  • The number of events in the summer Olympics is extremely huge in numbers. The winter Olympics has less number of sports or events as compared to the summer Olympics.
  • Summer Olympics are mainly held in the summer months or seasons. Winter Olympics are mainly held in the winter months or seasons.
  • Conclusion

    Both of these are two popular types of Olympics that include different types of games and sports. The location for both the winter and summer Olympics is decided by the IOC. The games played by the sportspersons in the Olympics depend on the type of Olympics. The summer Olympics has a list of a huge number of summer-based sports.

    On the other hand, the winter Olympics offers a huge number of winter or cold climatic condition-based sports for the sportspersons. The lasting time of the winter Olympics is shorter than the summer Olympics. The rules and regulations of both the summer and winter Olympics are handled by the International Olympics Committee.

    Both of these Olympics are organized in similar ways but would differ in their locations and the number of events going to happen in the Olympics.


  • https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jtr.449
  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=HD-Z-ym56NIC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=olympics&ots=PoaX3TYmC7&sig=lEH3jwj4nap2Z1T5Zho7an3DZHs
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmp5yuurG1wqxkmqaUYsSqutOeqWannK66sbXCrGY%3D