Difference Between Obama and Bush foreign policy

November 2022 · 3 minute read

obama-bushObama’s foreign policy vs Bush foreign policy

Many critics have stated that America’s foreign policy was not going to change despite a change in the country’s leadership. However, the foreign policies adopted by different presidents have differed in various respects. Certain variations can also be seen between the foreign policies of the Obama and Bush administrations.

Both the Bush administration and the Obama administration have committed to a foreign policy that ensures the safety of Americans. However, the Bush presidency was marked by tensions in all spheres. In the first few months of his presidency, Obama has not faced any serious foreign policy issues. He has vowed to commit himself and his administration to a foreign policy that ensures the safety of Americans.

Bush was clear in declaring war on Iraq stating that the country was a threat to the world. His foreign policy was to pump more troops into Iraq. But Obama has stated clearly that his mission will be to end the war in Iraq and focus on the challenges faced by that country. He has said the mission of US forces in Iraq will change drastically and that they will be engaged in training, equipping and advising the Iraqi Security Forces to meet future challenges.

Regarding America’s attitude towards Muslims, Obama has been clear stating that America is not an enemy of the Muslim world. Obama’s gesture of extending a hand to Muslims unheard of in Bush’s foreign policy.

Both the Bush and Obama administrations have taken similar stances when it comes to al qaeda and the taliban. While the Bush administration had no clear policy for tackling the menace, Obama has already announced a new strategy for dismantling the terrorist forces in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Regarding nuclear power and its potential as a threat to the world, there are certain differences between the Bush and Obama administrations. Obama is for reducing and eventually eliminating all existing nuclear arsenals. He has also proposed negotiation with Russia on further nuclear reductions and also the ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Obama stands for nuclear proliferation and for preventing terrorists from acquiring such weapons. Bush, on the other hand, had withdrawn from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

A few days after assuming office, President Obama stated that his vision was to strengthen existing relations and to build new relations to meet future challenges. Bush’s foreign policy was marked by diplomatic tension with many countries, such as Korea and China.

1.The Bush presidency was marked by tensions in all spheres. In the first few months into his presidency, Obama has not faced any serious foreign policy issues.
2.Obama’s mission in Iraq is to end the war and focus on the challenges faced by that country. Bush had a policy of pumping more troops into Iraq.
3.Obama’s gesture of extending a hand towards Muslims was unheard of in Bush’s foreign policy.
