Difference Between Notion and OneNote

November 2022 · 5 minute read

Handy applications to smartly take care of the assigned tasks are of prime importance these days. With the advent of remote working and work pressure, every individual requires reminders for their tasks too. The applications are might as well available on mobile phones, making it more conducive for most of us. 

While this is the case, there are many applications developed for different purposes. And we tend to use the one that we are comfortable with. Two of those applications, called Notion and OneNote, has different purposes altogether though they may seem similar on the surface.

Notion vs OneNote

The main difference between Notion and OneNote is the basic functionality of the applications. The Notion is an incredible application that handles complex task structures, while OneNote helps you to create, save and edit texts the way you want. You can save data in OneNote rather easily as compared to Notion.

The Notion is a cloud-based application that works to assist you in creating notes, calendars, reminders as well as databases. It is for the user’s requirement that we can collaborate these features to create and assign tasks to the team as well. It is a personal as well as a team tool that shall help in managing tasks effectively.

OneNote, on the other hand, has grown a lot in the last 15 years. It is a simple note-taking application that is available on mobile phone and computers that can help you to remember the tasks on hand. The navigation of the tool is pretty straightforward. The application is made free for all users.

Comparison Table Between Notion and OneNote

Parameters of ComparisonNotionOneNote
Basic UsageTake Notes, Create Reminders, create and save data. Then, open task lines and assign the same.Take notes, save data and create reminders.
UsageUsage is Free. However, users can subscribe to upgraded versions to have enhanced project management features and space too.Usage is completely free for all users.
Mobile ApplicationAvailable and very easy to navigateAvailable and not as easy to navigate as Notion
Platforms SupportedAndroid, iOS, Windows, macOS and WebAndroid, iOS, Windows, macOS, Windows Phone, PWA, and Web
Text EditingRich Editing tools are available on all platforms.Rich editing tools are available on Desktop version, and mobile application lacks a few tools.

What is Notion?

The Notion is a complete workspace tool that helps you to take notes, create data, make presentations, assign tasks and so on. It is one tool for all application that can be useful as an individual as well as a team.

Notion is indeed a professional tool that can help collaborate with the tools and the team to create a good workforce. Notion can help create calendars and reminders for the task assigned. With its amazing features, the application is on par with many project management tools.

The knowledge management application has enhanced versions of features as you upgrade the tool with a minimal fee. The web, desktop and mobile version of the application look similar. That means to say, the navigation becomes easy even when you switch devices.

The best tool to plan and execute the plans accordingly. Technically, Notion is a collaboration software that has integrated

  • Kanban Boards
  • Tasks
  • Databases and
  • Wikis
  • It is a complete tool that can help you take notes, help in knowledge and project management. The incredible file management system and exceptional sharing options make it easy for a beginner too.

    What is OneNote?

    MS OneNote is a note-taking application that helps you create notes, edit and also collaborate the same with other people. The notes that you take serve as a perfect database of lists to do. This can be shared with your team through various modes so that you can keep them updated.

    The tool is in the market for the past 15 years and has evolved largely in terms of text input. The data can be saved

  • By typing
  • By speaking
  • By writing on the screen
  • The assistant mode of operation is preferred by many people. If you are creative, you can attempt to write on the screen, and it gets printed on the note-taking areas. OneNote is as such available as a part of Microsoft Office Suite.

    You can also find OneNote as a standalone app and can also use it over the web if you do not want to download the software. The web-based approach is good, while the mobile version lacks a few features that make it a bit difficult to navigate.

    The best part is, creating and saving the text is made easy. You can insert pictures with relative ease too. One more aspect that makes OneNote more user friendly is, the application does not direct you to save the text in one particular structure. You can choose your style for the same.

    Main Differences Between Notion and OneNote

  • The main difference between Notion and OneNote is the fundamental usage of the application. The Notion is used for more complex project timelines, reminders and notes, while OneNote is a simple note-taking tool.
  • The Notion has an incredible interface on all platforms, while OneNote has a few features missing from one another.
  • The Notion is free, but enhanced features are available in the paid version, while OneNote is completely free for all users.
  • The Notion has easy navigation techniques in mobile phones, while it is a bit difficult to use OneNote on the phone.
  • The Notion has rich editing tools available on all platforms, while OneNote has rich editing tools on desktop alone. The Mobile version has a few tools missing.
  • Conclusion

    The task management tools are the order of the day. With growing technology and workload, such tools play a vital role in our professional arena. With the versatility of Notion, it is more of an office tool, while OneNote can be used in personal life too. You can create texts rather easily in OneNote than Notion.

    The shortcoming that we see in OneNote is on the rich text editing tools. Technically, this might be a downfall, but it does not matter as you would quickly want to take notes. With hassle-free sharing options, OneNote is always preferred over Notion in day to day life. And the reason that it is free for users, you can find this application on most cell phones these days.


  • https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joao-Fernandes-19/publication/281437455_Onenote_a_digital_tool_for_qualitative_research/links/55e6d00108ae6cf8e13315cf/Onenote-a-digital-tool-for-qualitative-research.pdf
  • https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006918
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmpp%2BptrC6jJqlnWWfo7Kvu9OeZg%3D%3D