Difference Between MySQL and PostgreSQL (with Comparison Chart)

June 2023 · 4 minute read

mysql-vs-postgresqlIn this article, we will discuss two open source database management system i.e. MySQL and PostgreSQL. Where MySQL is the product of Oracle Corporation and PostgreSQL is the product of Global Development Group. Which one is best to use? The answer to this question varies from programmer to programmer. This depends on the requirement of the application or website that a programmer is creating.

Both MySQL and PostgreSQL differ in many aspects. Let us discuss the differences between MySQL and PostgreSQL with the help of comparison chart shown below.

Content: MySQL Vs PostgreSQL

  • Comparison Chart
  • Definition
  • Key Differences
  • Conclusion
  • Comparison Chart

    Basis for ComparisonMySQLPostgreSQL
    BasicMySQL is a relational database management system.PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system.
    ProductMySQL is the product of Oracle Corporation.PostgreSQL is the product of Global Development Group.
    Operating SystemMySQL is supported by Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, AmigaOS.Postgre is supported by Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD but not by UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, AmigaOS.
    ExtensibleMySQL is not extensible.PostgreSQL is highly extensible.
    InterfaceIn MySQL, the phpMyAdmin tool provides GUI.In PostgreSQL, the pgAdmin tool provides GUI.
    BackupMysqldump, and XtraBackup provides backup in MySQL.PostgresSQL provides online backup.
    Materialized ViewMySQL provides temporary table, but not provide materialized View.PostgreSQL provides temporary table as well as materialized View.
    Data Domain ObjectMySQL does not provide the Data Domain Object.PostgreSQL provides the Data Domain Object.

    Definition of MySQL

    MySQL is an open source relational database management system. MySQL’s name is the combination of the name of co-founder’s Michael Widenius daughter “My” and SQL the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. MySQL is the product of Oracle Corporation. MySQL supports the lot of the standard of SQL.

    When it comes to operating system MySQL is supported by almost all the operating systems like Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, AmigaOS. The MySQL database system is used on the web for adding, accessing and managing data online. In MySQL, phpMyAdmin tool is responsible for providing GUI and SQL interface.

    MySQL does not offer backup option but, it uses Mysqldump, and XtraBackup tool to provide backup. MySQL offers the temporary tables but does not provide materialized view. Because MySQL is only relational database management hence, it does not provide data domain object.

    Definition of PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database management system. The Global Development Group develops PostgreSQL. It uses the lots of standard of SQL. The PostgreSQL is fully ACID compliant. Foreign Key support, triggers, and Union are available in PostgreSQL.

    PostgreSQL is supported by Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD operating systems but not by UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, AmigaOS operating system. PostgreSQL programming language is highly extensible. The PostgreSQL uses the pgAdmin tool to provide GUI and SQL interface.

    PostgresSQL offers an online backup option. It provides the temporary tables and also the materialized view. and it also provides data domain object.

    Key Differences Between MySQL and PostgreSQL

  • The architectural difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL is that MySQL is a relational database management system whereas, PostgresSQL is object-relational database management system.
  • MySQL is supported by the following operating system, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, AmigaOS. However, the PostgreSQL  is supported by Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD but not by UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, AmigaOS.
  • MySQL is the product of Oracle Corporation while PostgreSQL is a product of Global Development Group.
  • My SQL programming language is not extensible whereas, the programming language PostgreSQL is highly extensible.
  • In MySQL, the phpMyAdmin tool provides GUI and SQL interface. However, in PostgreSQL, the pgAdmin tool provides GUI and SQL interface.
  • In MySQL, Mysqldump, and XtraBackup tools provides backup. On the other hands, PostgresSQL provides complete backup online.
  • MySQL provides temporary tables but does not provide materialized view. However, PostgreSQL provides temporary table and also the materialized view.
  • MySQL does not offers data domain object whereas, PostgreSQL provide data domain object.
  • Conclusion

    It is not necessary that MySQL is better than PostgreSQL or vice-versa. It depends upon what are the requirement of the programmer to design the web application or website.
