Difference Between Muslim and Christian heaven

April 2023 · 3 minute read

islam-christianityMuslim vs Christian Heaven

Heaven is the place where people believe that the souls of the good people go after their lives. For some, it is high above in the sky from where you can gaze upon the earth and earthly beings. For yet some, it is entirely a different universe or not physical at all. Heaven is a major belief in all the religions and all religions teach people to do good to go to heaven after their lives on earth. But there are major differences in the concepts of the heaven in all these religions. There is a very contrasting difference between the heaven of Christian and that of Muslims.

For Christians, the way to reach heaven is through salvation. Belief in the Christ and living according to His principles are the ways to attain salvation in the teachings of Christianity. A person who attains salvation is said to go to heaven and become eternal. For Muslims, the teaching is that only Muslims will go to heaven. The pagans or whom the religion refers as Kafirs, are not bound to reach heaven. So being a true Muslim is what can make them reach heavens. So is the teaching.

In Christianity, only elected people are fortunate to reach heaven and attain eternity. It is considered as more of an abstract experience. There are many sects in Christianity itself, and each sect has a concept of the heaven. Roman Catholics believe that people entering a purgatory are eligible to reach heaven while the Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox people believe that God has the final say on who can enter heaven and who cannot. For Christians, heaven is a calm place of good people, saints, and kids. There are rivers, angels, good food, and happiness everywhere.

In the Quran, heaven is described as a place where there is a huge garden, a river flowing by the side, and there are fruits and shades from the trees. There are different levels of heaven in Islam. The highest being Paradise and the lowest is Khuldi. Heaven is known as Jannat in the religion.It is often compared to jewels and good food. It is described as a place where there is happiness, all wishes are fulfilled, and lifestyle consists of costly robes, perfumes, jewels, and exquisite banquets. The foods include milk, scented wine, fruits, and poultry. The immortals can rejoice with their relatives in heaven and every wish fulfilled instantly.

The heaven of both the religions is depicted in the holy books and the followers believe that. Though there are no proofs, but yet the followers believe the wordings in these holy books.


1.In Christianity, heaven is attained by the belief in Christ and following his principles. In Islam, only those who live as Muslims go to heaven.
2.For Muslims, heaven is a place full of happiness, food, costly robes, perfumes, and jewels. The heaven of Christians is modest with calm atmosphere, angels, and happiness.
3.Heaven is attained through salvation for Christians and for Muslims, living by the principles of Islam, makes them reach heaven.
