Difference Between Muhammad and Other Prophets

February 2023 · 5 minute read

Semitic religions refer to the three major faiths that arose in west Asia: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Prophets and Muhammad are both considered as God’s messengers in Islam. Muhammad and the Prophets contributed a lot to the Islam religion to make it believe in Allah.

Muhammad vs Other Prophets

The main difference between Muhammad and Prophets is that Muhammad is the founder of Islam, whereas other Prophets spread the divine message of God to the rest of the world. People strongly believed in both Muhammad and Prophets and followed their path towards the teachings of Islam. Today, Islam is one of the biggest followed religions in the world.

Muhammad was born in the Arabian city of Mecca in the year 571 CE. He was abandoned when he was young and raised by his uncle Abu Talib. As per Islam, Muhammad is the final prophet given by God to the earth, and no other prophet will come after him.

The word “prophet” comes from the Greek word “profetes”, which means “advocate.” The word Prophet is used in religion to refer to a person chosen by God to be a messenger of his messages to the ordinary people. Prophets are thought to live exemplary lives and bring about social transformation through God’s words. Other prophets included Adam, Noah, Moses and many more. They were born before Muhammad to spread the message of God.

Comparison Table Between Muhammad and Other Prophets

Parameters of ComparisonMuhammadOther Prophets
ContributionFounder of Islam ReligionSpread God’s Message through teachings
Born in570 CEBefore 570 CE
Lived inMeccaDifferent Region
Books WrittenQuran, SiraQuran, Book of Gospel, Book of Mormon, Book of Genesis
Referred asLast Messenger of God and the Last ProphetMessengers of God

Who is Muhammad?

Muhammad was born in the Arabian city of Mecca in the year 571 CE. He was abandoned when he was young and raised by his uncle Abu Talib. As per Islam, Muhammad is the final prophet given by God to the earth, and no other prophet will come after him. Muhammad had his first vision from the angel Gabriel when he was 40 years old. Non-Muslims think of Muhammad as the originator of Islam, but Muslims believe Muhammad revived prior prophets’ belief in the monotheistic religion Islam, such as Adam, Abraham, Noah, and Moses.

Muhammad claimed to have been approached by Gabriel in the cave when he was 40 and received his first god’s grace. Muhammad began publicly teaching these revelations in 613, stating that “God is One,” that total “submission” (Islam) to God is the correct way of life, and that he, like the other prophets in Islam, was a prophet and messenger of God.

The verses of the Quran, which Muslims believe as the literal “Word of God” upon which religion is founded, contain the revelations (each designated as Ayah – “Sign of God”) that Muhammad recounted experiencing until his death. Aside from the Quran, Muhammad’s teachings and practices (sunnah) are preserved and used as sources of Islamic law in the Hadith and sira writings.

Who are the Other Prophets?

In Islam, prophets are personalities who are taught to act as role models for good human behaviour and to convey God’s word on Earth. Some prophets are classified as messengers, indicating they deliver divinity to others, usually via the help of an angel. Muslims believe there were numerous prophets, some of whom are not listed in the Quran. “There is a Messenger for every community,” the Quran says. One of the six elements of the Islamic religion is belief in the Islamic prophets. Lot many prophets were present but not prominent though.

Muslims believe that God created the first prophet, Adam, as well as the first human being. There are twenty-five prophets named in the Quran, namely Alyasa, Ayyub, Sulaiman, and others. Musa (Moses) received the Tawrat (Torah), Dawud (David) received the Zabur (Psalms), and Isa (Gospel) received the Injil (Gospel) (Jesus).

Muslims believe in the “Seal of the Prophets” (Khatam an-Nabiyyin), who received the Quran in a sequence of revelations. Muslims believe that the Quran is God’s only divine and exact message, and that it is thus unchanging and immune to distortion and corruption, and that it will be preserved in its original form until the Last Day.

Main Differences Between Muhammad and Other Prophets

  • Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets because he delivered the last divine word, whereas the Other Prophets were Allah’s revelations to Muhammad (God).
  • Muhammad was the last of Prophets who entitled all his virtues and preaches in Quran while the Other Prophets gave all their knowledge and the belief in Allah (God) through their sayings or in different books.
  • Muhammad completed the Holy Quran while the Other Prophets played the role of messenger of God through their teachings verbally.
  • The Other Prophets lived in different regions while Muhammad lived in Mecca and build a group of followers for praying to God.
  • Muhammad was the Founder of the religion of Islam but the other prophets only spread their thoughts they gathered through their teachings and praised others to worship to God.
  • Conclusion

    Abraham is the common heritage of all Semitic faiths, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Muhammad is the final prophet sent by God to the world, according to Islam, and it is believed that Muhammad restored the monotheistic religion of prior prophets. In Islam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Jesus are all regarded prophets. Muhammad is regarded as the founder of Islam by non-Muslims. Jesus is not regarded as a prophet in Judaism. While Moses and Christ both had the capacity to perform miracles, Muhammad is not known to have ever done so. While Jesus proclaimed to be God as a prophet, Muhammad never made that claim.



    2. http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/religion-miscellaneous/differences-between-muhammad-and-other-prophets/
