Difference Between Milk and Yogurt

February 2022 · 5 minute read

There are many different varieties of yogurt and milk, such as low-fat milk as well as low-fat yogurt, however, milk is only one of the numerous elements contained in yogurt. It is rather straightforward to distinguish between milk and yogurt. However, this essay will explain the distinctions between the two dietary substances to dispel any misconceptions about Milk and Yogurt.

Milk vs Yogurt

The main difference between milk and yogurt is that milk is more liquid, but yogurt is much denser. Milk and yogurt have glycemic indices of 36 as well as 38, correspondingly, indicating that they are both low in glycemic load. Carbohydrates are absorbed slowly into the digestive tract, preventing insulin surges.

Milk, a fluid released by female animals’ mammary glands to nurture their offspring for a time beginning shortly after delivery. Domestic animal milking is also an essential food supply for mankind, either as a pure fluid or as a variety of milk products like butter and cream, and cheese.

Yogurt is a dairy product made by the fermenting of milk by certain microbes, which must be alive, functional, and numerous in the production of Lactobacillus as well as Streptococcus thermophilus.

Producers have contributed to the increase in yogurt intake by producing a variety of yogurt kinds, such as Greek yogurt, low-fat and no-fat yogurt, creamy, sipping, bio-yogurt, chilled, and so on. The fundamental components and production, on the other hand, are essentially coherent.

Comparison table Between Milk and Yogurt

Parameters of ComparisonMilkYogurt
MeaningMilk, a fluid released by female animals’ mammary glands to nurture their offspring for a time beginning shortly after delivery.A semi-solid snack made from milk cultured with additional microorganisms that is commonly flavored and sweetened.
DigestionIt is a complex food and requires many processes to completely break down into glucose and galactose.It is very simple to digest and is prescribed when facing digestive issues.
TypesHomogenized, pasteurized, skimmed, whole-milk, toned, etc. are some types of milks.Kefir, low-fat, No-fat, frozen yogurt, non-dairy yogurt, flavored fruit yogurt, etc.
UseFor whole-consumption and for manufacturing dairy products like cheese, butter, curd and yogurt.For whole consumption and to make ice-creams, sweets, Indian Beverages like Chaas and Lassi.
NutritionProtein, fat, vitamin D, vitamin B12, Riboflavin, Potassium, etc. Water, protein, carbohydrates and vitamin D and C.

What is Milk?

Milk is a very rich and nutritional white-yellowish fluid secreted from animals’ mammary glands. It serves as the principal source of nourishment for young animals (particularly breastfed human newborns) before they could even digest normal food. Milk is also referred to as a ‘complete food’ for children as it acts as a balanced nutrient supply for a child’s body.

For a long period after conception, each species’ milk appears to provide a full food source for its own offspring. Milk is transformed in the intestines of the young to a soft curd which completely covers globules of fat, allowing digestion to continue easily without the disruption produced by fatty meals.

Almost the majority of the milk consumption in Western nations now comes from cows, and milk products are becoming essential commodities. Additional major milk sources include goats and sheep, which seem to be particularly important in southern Europe as well as the Mediterranean region; water buffalo, which also are widely tamed in Asia; and camels, who are essential in the Mideast.

Milk is an emulsified fat and protein in fluid, including absorbed sugar (carbohydrate), vitamins, and nutrients. All animals’ milk contains these elements, however, their quantities vary across species and then within species.

What is Yogurt?

Yogurt is very old food. The earliest signs of it were discovered between 10 000 and 5 000 BCE during the Neolithic times, while nomadic tribes were adapting to a different way of living and the origins of agriculture gradually led to a permanent existence. At the same time, people were beginning to domesticate milk-producing animals including cows, goats, bison, yaks, and horses.

Yogurt, like milk, comes in a variety of flavors, such as fat-free yogurt, flavored yogurt. Flavored Curd can be consumed with or without food. Yogurt, with its distinct depth of flavor, is easier to digest than milk as well as keeps you fuller for longer. Yogurt, which is high in probiotics, can aid in the cleansing of the digestive tract.

An ounce of Greek yogurt has around 12 g of protein. You’ll be surprised to learn that 100 g of yogurt includes 106 milligrams of calcium, according to the USDA. Ordinary yogurt has 16 to 17 grams of carbs, and Greek yogurt contains 8 to 9 grams.

Lactose levels in yogurt are typically lower than in whole milk. While this may not be true in all circumstances since certain yogurt manufacturers create specific yogurt formulae with a higher lactose content, most yogurts have indeed lost a lot of their lactose since it was converted into glucose and galactose.

That is one of the explanations why yogurt is such an easy food to digest. This means that even lactose intolerant people are less likely to get gastric or stomach troubles.

Main Differences Between Milk and Yogurt

  • Milk is fluidic whereas yogurt is semi-solid and jiggly in texture.
  • Milk is watery and yellowish-white in color and mixes uniformly with water whereas curd forms colloid when mixed with water and it is pure crystal white in color.
  • Milk requires a complex digestion process whereas yogurt can be digested easily.
  • Milk is nutritional food whereas yogurt is simply more enriched and beneficial than milk hence, it is preferred when patients often go through digestive problems.
  • Milk can be used to make yogurt but yogurt cannot be converted back to milk.
  • Conclusion

    Milk and yogurt have similar nutritional values, however, milk contains more nutrients than yogurt. Yogurt is also simpler to digest than milk, and it has the additional benefit of keeping the stomach healthy and avoiding infection. Spices such as cinnamon and jeera powder can be used with yogurt and a variety of fruits and veggies.

    Consuming milk or yogurt with a fruit bowl or whole-grain cereal gives the best nutritional value. You may also have yogurt with salt and veggies, such as tzatziki. Controlling salt consumption, on the other hand, is critical.


  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods/yogurt
  • https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/milk
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