Miles and kilometer both are units for measuring any length or distance. In the U.S. and U.K., the standard way of measuring is miles, whereas in all of the other countries the standard unit of measuring is kilometer. Both the terms mean thousand in their respective places they have originated from.
Miles vs Kilometer
The main difference between miles and kilometer is that a mile is a unit of measurement that is only used in the U.S.A. and U.K. whereas a kilometer is a unit of measurement that is used worldwide and not just in certain places. Mile is under the imperial system whereas kilometer is under the metric system.
A mile is a unit of measurement which is also often denoted as “mi” or “m”. One mile converts back to 1,609.344 meters. It was a unit that was traditionally popularized but eventually mile is not the most preferred or recognized symbol.
Kilometer on the other hand is also a unit of measuring length. It is also denoted as “km”. One mile converts back to 1000 meters. It is a symbol that is recognized worldwide and also used. It is the contemporary unit of measurement.
Comparison Table Between Miles and Kilometer
Parameter of Comparison | Miles | Kilometer |
Use | Used in the early days of civilization | Used in the later parts od18th century |
Countries | U.S.A. and U.K. | Accepted worldwide |
Symbol | “mi” and “m” is used for mils | “km” is used for kilometer |
System | Under the imperial system | Under the metric system |
Conversion | Has several equivalents | Always equals to 1000 meters |
Application | Applied in calculating distance on land, sea, and space | Usually calculates distance across land |
Length | It is shorter | It is longer |
Unit of Measurement | Traditional unit of measurement | Contemporary unit of measurement |
Spelling | Spelled in the similar way everywhere | In British and Australian English spelled as “kilometre” |
What is Miles?
Miles is an English unit for length and distance, it equals 5280 feet or1760 yards. The term “mile” was derived from the Latin word “milia” meaning thousand. In ancient Rome, one mile used to refer to a thousand paces. Hence the concept of “milestone” was discovered (stone craved with numerical).
Mile is a part of the U.S. and U.K. standard unit of measurement. Miles is under the imperial system although, in comparison with the metric system, 1 mile is around 1,609.344 meters according to the international agreement in 1957. The symbol “mi” or “m” is usually used to denote a mile. Miles was first officially used in 1824 in the British empire.
Mile is found in several aspects of measurements such as- international mile, US survey mile, nautical mile, a metric mile, and Scandinavian mile.
What is Kilometer?
A kilometer is a unit to measure length or distance. The kilometer is also often denoted with the abbreviation of “km”. It is a vital part of the metric system of measurement. 1 kilometer is equivalent to 1000 meters. The kilo means thousand in Greek.Kilometer came into use only during the 1790s
The kilometer is the official unit that is used for expressing geographical distances between places all over the world apart from two exceptions which as the U.S.A. and U.K. Kilometer were recognized by the committee for weights and measurement as the standard unit for length measurement worldwide during the 19th century.
Sporting events usually feature1 kilometer (1000m) race for major events. Kilometers in the British and Australian countries is spelled as “kilometre”.
Main Differences Between Miles and Kilometer
Miles and kilometers both are standard units for measuring length and distance. Both in their native language mean thousand. However,a mile, when converted into meters, is one mile equalto 1,609.344 meters, and a kilometer when converted into the meter is one kilometer equal to 1000 meters.
Miles is under the imperial system. It is used for calculating the length and distance of land, sea, and space. It was used in the early days of civilization. It is still used in certain places like the U.S.A. and U.K and it is also spelled a similar way all across the world.
Kilometer on the other hand is under the metric system. It is used for calculating distances. It is recognized by the committee for weights and measurement as the standard unit for length measurement worldwide hence it is used globally. Kilometer also in British and Australian countries is spelled as “kilometre”.