Difference Between Metropolitan and Cosmopolitan

March 2022 · 2 minute read

Metropolitan vs Cosmopolitan

The words metropolitan and cosmopolitan have become very commonplace and people use them frequently to refer to large cities. These terms are also used in TV shows and newspapers. Sometimes these words are used to describe the attitude of people. But do you really understand the true meanings of these words. This article will make things clearer by explaining the meanings of these words so as to enable readers to use them in a right manner.

In general, metropolitan is used to refer to a large city with a high population and employment opportunities which is linked with nearby areas in both social and economic terms. This is why you have the proper city and the metropolitan are as in the case of Los Angeles. You have LA City as well as Los Angeles metropolitan are that comprises the nearby districts economically and socially linked to LA.

Cosmopolitan on the other hand may refer to a large city where people of diverse cultural backgrounds can be seen living together, and it may also refer to broadmindedness of a person. For example a cosmopolitan attitude or mentality is a thinking a person develops when living in such a city. Sometimes the word cosmopolitan is even used to reflect the attitude of a city as when it is said that Moscow has a cosmopolitan nature.

There are other uses of the word cosmopolitan also. A person is sometimes called cosmopolitan when he has lived and traveled in many countries. The word has even come to connote sophisticated and urbane. Metropolitan usually has only one meaning and that is to refer to a large city with a large population having social and economic relations with satellite towns. A cosmopolitan city consists of people from different parts of the world.

It is possible for a city to be both metropolitan and cosmopolitan where as a metropolitan area may not be cosmopolitan in nature.

Metropolitan vs Cosmopolitan

•Cosmopolitan comes from cosmos meaning one universe and refers to a large city comprising people from many parts of the world. On the other hand, metropolitan city is one having a large population and employment opportunities and one which is also lined socially and economically with nearby areas.

•Cosmopolitan can also mean a person with a broad mindedness or a large city with liberal attitude.
