Difference Between Metallic Minerals and Non-Metallic Minerals

February 2022 · 4 minute read

Main Difference

Before differentiating it between both these types of mineral one should know about the minerals itself, their origin and production. A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid substance, which is usually in crystalline form and abiogenic in origin with a definite chemical composition. There are numerous types of mineral in Earth’s crust. The most abundant type of minerals in Earth’s crust are silicate minerals. This minerals vary in physical and chemical properties with respect to their geological placement. These minerals are derived from the different types of rocks, when they undergo change in temperature or pressure. When differentiating it between metallic minerals and non-metallic minerals, the basic difference is that a metallic mineral is the mineral containing metallic elements, whereas the non-metallic mineral is the mineral that doesn’t contains any metallic elements. The name of both these compounds already suggest this difference, the other key difference between both these type of mineral is that metallic minerals are melted to obtain the new or useful product, whereas non-metallic minerals do not yield new products upon melting.

Comparison Chart

Metallic MineralsNon-Metallic Minerals
Metallic minerals are the minerals that contains metallic elements.Non-metallic minerals are the minerals that doesn’t contain metallic elements.
Obtaining new product
Metallic minerals are melted to obtain the new or useful product.Non-metallic minerals do not yield new products upon melting.
Metallic minerals are originated from the igneous types of rocks.Non-metallic minerals are originated from the sedimentary rocks.
Appearance & touch
Metallic minerals are hard have a shiny appearance of their own.Non-metallic minerals are not as hard as the metallic minerals and have no shine or luster of their own.
Malleable & Ductile

What are Metallic Minerals?

As the name suggests, metallic minerals are the minerals that contains metallic elements. The useful or the new products from the metallic mineral is obtained by heating as these compounds are malleable and ductile in nature. Metallic minerals are hard have a shiny appearance of their own. Sometime metal ores itself are considered as mineral. Chalcopyrite, Iron, Copper, Bauxite, Tin, Manganese are the some common examples of metallic minerals. As mentioned above their geological placement and origination from the type of rock actually determines the physical and chemical properties of these chemical compounds. Generally, metallic minerals are originated from the igneous types of rocks that is why (sometimes) when the term metallic minerals come, the igneous rocks are shown for the reference. Igneous rock is one the main types of rocks, it is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma and lava. Magma is the thick mixture that is being got as a result of melting of the existing rocks under high temperature and low pressure.

What are Non-Metallic Minerals?

As the name suggests, non-metallic minerals are the minerals that doesn’t contain metallic elements and are adverse of the metallic compounds as they do not yield new products upon melting. They are not malleable and ductile in nature, and when hit they can get broken into pieces. They are not as hard as the metallic minerals and have no shine or luster of their own. Some of the non-metallic minerals are also categorized into precious or semi-precious jewelry and are actively used in ornaments. Generally, non-metallic minerals are originated from the sedimentary rocks, which are one of the main types of rocks. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition and subsequent cementation of that material at the Earth’s surface and within bodies of water. Coal, salt, clay, Diamond, Dolomite, Gypsum, Mica, are some of the common examples of non-metallic minerals.

Metallic vs. Non-Metallic Minerals
