Difference Between Mechanic and Technician

October 2022 · 5 minute read

It is arguably correct to say that the area of work where mechanics and technicians do their job is pretty much the same. However, just like the difference lies in the intricate details, so does the same apply for this. Simply put, a mechanic is a person whose job is to repair machines, especially the engines of vehicles and automobiles. This is why terms like auto-mechanic or car-mechanic are so common. Whereas the job of a technician is to maintain and ensure the good working condition of various components and machines.

So, in a way, it can be said that when your car gets damaged in the middle of a highway, and you need to call someone for help, you call the mechanic. However, every time you take your car for servicing, you take it to the service center, where a technician works on it. It is to be noted though, that in day to day language, people use both these words interchangeably. Although when works on an official level, it is necessary to get these terms correct..

Mechanic vs Technician

The main difference between Mechanic and Technician is hidden in their names themselves. A mechanic is the one who uses their hands to fix or repair things. On the opposite, a technician is the one who uses the technology and the automotive to improve them. A mechanic has the ability to fix the problem. Conversely, a technician has the capability to find the cause behind a particular intricacy.

Comparison Table between Mechanic and Technician

Parameters of ComparisonMechanicTechnician
Main DifferenceIs mainly responsible for repairing stuff.Is mainly responsible for ensuring good service quality of products.
Main DomainGenerally known for automobiles and vehicles.Has a wide range of domains.
ToolsUses hands and tools like pliers, drills, hammers, etc.Uses diagnostic tools like computers.
Knowledge BaseLess detailed as compared to Technician.More detailed as compared to Mechanic.
Skillset TypeLabor based.Intellect based.

What is a Mechanic?

They are the people who are trained for the repair works of various kinds of products, especially heavy machinery, automobiles, and vehicles. This is why we so often hear terms like auto-mechanic, car-mechanic, etc. However, it should be noticed, that in the day to day life, people often interchangeably use the terms mechanic and technician with each other, which is not correct, but they both do have a lot in common in their jobs. 

Mechanics always need to keep up with the latest technology, equipment, and services, at the same pace at which technology gets updated. People in the market are constantly on the lookout to buy the latest piece of technology, the latest car, and hence, it is quite important for the mechanic to stay updated.

Being a mechanic also involves a lot of fieldwork and a lot of usage of hands. They can choose to specialize in various fields too.

Mechanics are generally hired in garages, automobile service centers, etc. where vehicles are dealt with on a regular basis.

What is a Technician?

A technician knows the skills needed to perform the maintenance operations on a product, not necessarily heavy duty ones. The main job of a technician is to maintain and service a good which is already working. If your can engine needs maintenance after driving 10,000 miles, then a technician comes up for the job. Technicians do not have a much hands-on job, and they have a more diagnostic kind of approach to stuff. 

Suppose your computer has run into an error, but otherwise, it is working fine, so you call a computer technician. A computer technician uses diagnostic tools, it may be software or external hardware, and analyses the error, and fixes it. 

A technician needs to have an in-depth knowledge of their field which results in more skilled labor than manual labor. Technicians are more efficient in their jobs than engineers. For example, when there is an AC to fix, then an engineer may be able to diagnose the problem the AC is facing more efficiently than the technician, however, when there is the job of repairing it, a technician will do it faster than the engineer. However, among engineers, technicians, and mechanics, engineers have the most intellectual labor while mechanics serve the most physical labor. A technician lies mid-way between them.

Difference Between Mechanic and Technician

  • The main difference between a Mechanic and a Technician is that a mechanic is more involved in repair stuff when a product gets damaged, while a technician is more into the maintenance part.
  • Mechanics are more focused on automobiles, vehicles, and heavy machinery, whereas technicians have a relatively larger domain.
  • A mechanic has more use of hands and construction tools like hammers, drills, pliers, etc. Technicians use diagnostic tools and computers more.
  • The theoretical knowledge of a mechanic is usually less than that of a technician.
  • Mechanics have a more labor-based skillset, and technicians have a relatively more intellectual based skillset.
  • Conclusion

    The job descriptions of both of these professions are very similar and hence are so often confused with each other. On a personal, day to day scale, this error can be permitted and is looked over, however when addressing professionally, one should be aware of these differences. It is true that both are equally important parts of society and functioning in this rapidly advancing technological day and age without them is impossible.


