Difference Between Male and Female Communication

November 2022 · 5 minute read

Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. The fundamental differences in the characterization of men and women can be seen in daily life if the right amount of attention is paid. The communicative difference between the two is very vivid, and to some extent, the differences are constructed and established by the centuries-old patriarchal society.

Male Communication vs Female Communication

The main difference between male and female communication is that men get aggressive and try to dominate the conversation, whereas women do not try to dominate any communication. Rather they choose to listen as well. Women are prone to the details while men are just interested in the main points. Men do not give much importance to the other person while communicating. Men want to be heard, whereas women choose to hear as well.

Male communication is aggressive. Men’s body language stays relax while talking though they are prone to avoid eye contact. They try to monopolize the conversation by refusing to listen to the other person’s perception. Men often dismiss the other person’s point of view.

Female communication is very personal and aims to build connections. Women, while communicating, use lots of body language and maintain eye contact. Women are known to be good listeners. The possibilities of arising different opinions are very high in women’s communication and that too without belittling the contrasting opinions.

Comparison Table Between Male and Female Communication

Parameters of ComparisonMale CommunicationFemale Communication
FocusMen focus on the literal meaning of any sentence or conversation.Women are more prone to focus on the underlying meaning of any sentence or conversation.
SphereMen are satisfied while talking in public.Women prefer the private sphere to talk.
InterruptionMen tend to interrupt and disrespect other people in a conversation.Women, in a conversation, acknowledge and consider others’ feelings and perceptions.
StyleMen are brutal, direct and blunt.Women are indirect and considered. They can be diplomatic.
DetailsMen are not inclined towards offering details while conversing.Women provide details while conversing. They give attention to the details.
AggressionMen get very aggressive while communicating. They are not likely to listen. They tend to dominate the communication.Women are not aggressive while talking. They have a propensity to listen.
ExpressionMen do not exhibit much facial expression.Women convey lots of facial expressions.

What is Male Communication?

Men have the tendency to deliver information while talking. That is, they do not include any personal details. They just stick to the facts. And while doing so, they struggle to dominate the conversation. Men aim to be heard and not to hear.

Men prefer face-to-face talk and are tend to be blunt in a conversation. They do not give much importance to the next person, and they do not retreat from insulting and disgracing the other person in order to assert dominance. Men aim to be respected in any conversation, and therefore, they promote themselves and refuse to listen.

Men are not prone to pay attention to the details, and they do not perceive the subtlety of a discussion. Men are more interested in the literal meaning, and they do not dig into deeper meaning. Men are pleased to talk in public.

What is Female Communication?

Women often prefer to talk in privacy. Women, even though holding a tensed body language, never retreat from having eye contact while talking. Women do not get aggressive or engage themselves in trash-talking while communicating with people. Women keep the conversation open to all as they do not make any effort to dominate the communication.

Women are seen to be considerate of other people’s feelings. Dismissing other people’s thoughts can not be seen in their nature. They acknowledge the contrasting points as well. Women often aspire to achieve connection through communication.

Women read between the lines and do not always satisfy themselves with the literal meanings. They are known to seek the subtlety of things. Women are attentive to the other person’s perspective. They have the habit of listening to different points of view.

Main Differences Between Male and Female Communication

  • Men hold their aggressive nature while communicating, they tend to dominate the conversation and refuse to listen, but women, on the other hand, give the other person the opportunity to talk and listen carefully.
  • Men’s body language is relaxed. They avoid eye contact and facial expressions in communication, but women choose to have eye contact while talking, and they also give more facial expressions.
  • Men belittle the other person while talking, but women consider the other person’s perceptions.
  • Men often interrupt in a conversation, but women do not tend to do that.
  • Men do not pay attention to details. They take the literal meaning to anything, whereas women offer details and they search for subtle meanings.
  • Male communication is aggressive, while women’s communication is attentive.
  • Men’s communication approaches the objectiveness of things, but women’s communication is much more emotional. Women often try to accomplish a connection or bond with the conversations they maintain.
  • Conclusion

    Men and women are different. This notion has been imposed on our conscious from the very beginning. Their characteristics and personality traits are constructed by society to be different and distinguishable from each other. And these imposed differences reflect on their daily lifestyle and communication as well.

    The basic traits of masculinity, such as aggression, echo in their communication. Women, on the other hand, have always been taught to be delicate and considerate, so we can see this nature in their communication too. Patriarchy wants women to be polite, and this centuries-old enforcement by society mirrors the communicative traits of women. Gender plays a role in determining the tone, attitude, aim, and style of a conversation.


  • https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/iscc/2017/00000008/f0020002/art00010
  • https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167211410439
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmpZGhsm6tzZ1kn52dlrmmecKopKatnp6wosDIqKVo