difference between makeup artist and beautician

June 2023 · 3 minute read

Makeup artist generally work on the facial makeup only. Cosmetologists are trained to do hair, skin and nails. ... Cosmetologists on the other hand are more versed with the treatments and therapies and best practices related to skin, Nails and hair care. They also undertake hair styling and nail maintenance.

Do beauticians do makeup?

A beautician is a trained professional that uses a range of cosmetology techniques to provide hair, nail, makeup, or skin care services to their clients. While some beauticians choose to offer a wide selection of services to clients, many decide to specialize in a specific area.

What is a makeup artist called?

The title for someone who is trained in styling hair and applying makeup is a cosmetologist. While hairstylists focus only on hair, and makeup artists focus only on makeup, cosmetologists are also trained to analyze skin including the scalp.

Can a makeup artist work in a salon?

In California, many makeup artist professionals work as unregulated freelancers. This is especially true in the film and entertainment industry. However, this industry is still regulated in other areas, including in salons, spas and weddings.

Who is the highest paid makeup artist?

Sam Fine, for instance, one of the highest paid makeup artists today, commands more than $3,500 a day for his services – and that's before travel and overtime allowances. He has beautified such famous faces as Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, and Iman.

Is a beautician a good job?

Being a beautician is a rewarding career. You will help people, making a difference to their confidence as well as helping them to look good. You will meet many different people in your career, as you will have a set of skills that will be in high demand.

What is it called when you go to school for makeup?

You'll hide scars, conceal blemishes, and accentuate your clients' best features. Before you get to work, however, you'll have to learn the trade. That means going to makeup school or, more commonly, learning makeup artistry through a larger esthetician program or cosmetology program.

Who is the most popular makeup artist?

7 Famous Makeup Artists You Should Follow on Social Media

What skills do you need to be a makeup artist?

Make-up artists will need to possess the following skills in order to be successful:

What is the average wage for a makeup artist?

According to the BLS, makeup artists working in the United States earned a median annual salary of nearly $60,970 as of 2016. This means that 50 percent of makeup artists earned more and 50 earned less. The lowest 10 percent of earners made less than $22,630 annually while the top 10 percent made more than $124,960.
