Difference Between Living Things and Non-living Things

March 2022 · 4 minute read

Main Difference

The key difference between living and non-living things is that living things are those creatures that are alive while there is no life in non-living objects.

Living vs. Non-living Things

There are different ways to divide this world. Generally, everything in this universe is divided into two forms, i.e. living and non-living things. We face both living and non-living things in our daily lives. Living things are the creatures that are active or alive while non-living things are objects that do not have a life. Living organisms are made up of the cell and have a well-developed structure while non-living things are not composed of cells and do not have such a specialized structure. Living organisms can be further divided into plants, animals or microorganisms, etc. While non-living things are divided into solid, liquid and gas, etc.

Comparison Chart

Living ThingsNon-living Things
A living thing is a creature that is alive.Non-livings are objects that do not have a life.
Living things can move by themselves.Non-livings cannot move by themselves.
Growth and Development
Living things show growth and development.Non-livings do not show any growth and development.
Living things are made up of the cell and are fully organized.Non-living things are not made up of the cell and do not show any organization
Living things show evolution with time.There is no evolution in non-living things.
They required food to get energy.Non-living things do not eat anything.
Living things reproduce to increase their number or for survival.Non-living things do not reproduce.
Metabolic reactions like catabolism and anabolism take place in living things.Metabolic reactions do not take place in non-living things.
Living things sense things and can show a reaction to an external stimulus.Non-living things do not sense.
Life Span
Living things have a certain lifespan, after which they die.Non-living things do not have anything like lifespan.
Plants, Animals, and microorganisms, etc.Chair, Table, Gasses, etc.

What are Living Things?

Living things refer to the organisms that are alive. Some organisms are made up of single cell they are called unicellular organisms. Others are made up of the repetition of multiple basic units, i.e. cell. Different cells combine to make tissues; tissues combine to make organs and different organs combine to make an organ system. These organ systems combine to make a complete organism. So, living organisms have a proper organization. Living organisms can move themselves or their parts in response to external stimulus. They get energy by eating food and can eliminate their waste products. They also respire to release energy. Living organisms show development and can grow with time. They reproduce to increase in number and can show evolution with time to adapt themselves in their changing environment. Moreover, some organisms can also maintain their internal environment, i.e. homeostasis. Plants, animals, and microorganisms, etc. are examples of living things.

What are Non-living Things?

Non-living things refer to the objects that are not alive. They are made up of non-living material like plastic, leather, iron, cotton, metals, and wood, etc. Non-living things do not perform any characteristics of life like growth, development, respiration, reproduction, homeostasis, excretion, and evolution, etc. They cannot move by themselves. Examples of non-living things are furniture and vehicles etc.

Key Differences

  • Living things are alive while there is no anything like life in non-living
  • Living organisms can move by themselves, but non-living things cannot move by themselves.
  • Living organisms have a proper organization while non-living things do not have any specific organization.
  • Homeostasis is shown by living organisms but not by non-living things.
  • Living organisms show growth and development while non-living cannot grow and develop.
  • Food is essential for living organisms but not for non-living things.
  • Living things reproduce and show evolution while non-living cannot perform reproduction and evolution.
  • Metabolic reactions take place in living things but not in non-living things.
  • Living things have a certain lifespan, after which they die whereas non-living things do not have anything like lifespan.
  • Conclusion

    From the above discussion, it is concluded that living things are the organisms that are alive and have all the characteristics of life, e.g. growth, development, respiration, reproduction, homeostasis, excretion, and evolution, etc. and have a certain lifespan while non-living things are the objects that are without life and its characteristics and do not have anything like lifespan.
