Difference Between Lion and Tiger

January 2022 · 6 minute read

Primary Difference

Wildlife is a term which is used to name a uncultivated animal and their related species. This does not only include animals but also includes all plants, fungi, and other organisms which exist in a wild area and are away from human life. These types of species exist in different ecosystems. There are different types of species which are present in places like deserts, forests, land, mountains and other areas which even include cities. Since the term is mostly used for animals which are not pets of human, we will discuss two types of animals which are considered dangerous and also similar in many ways. These two are called Lion and Tiger. With the appearance, they may seem different from each other but from the family name they are similar, this shows that there are many confusions regarding this which will be discussed in this article. Starting from the family, they belong to the same one which is called Mammalia and even the same order which is known as Carnivores. They are considered the most ferocious animals and have a fear factor on people. They also belong to the cat family. Now moving on to the differences between the two, both are different species from the panther genus, tigers are known as P. Tigris while tigers are known as P. Leo. Another difference between them is the weight and a tiger has more weight than a lion which ranges from 850 pounds in male while 308 pounds in the females. The weight of lions is around 660 pounds when it comes to male while it is around 396 pounds for females. Lions are able to produce around 1-2 cubs while tigers are able to reproduce around 2-4 species of their own in a lifetime. Their speeds are similar with few differences, for example, a lion can run around 45-50 miles per hour while a tiger can run at a speed of 35-40 miles per hour. Tigers are the ones who are closer to the cat families while lions are not that close therefore do not have the ability to climb trees. Lions cannot even jump much high while tigers can jump and leap to cover long distances easily. They also have different body color; a lion has one color ranging from brown to yellowish while a tiger has black stripes or dots over its body. There are other ways of showing the difference as well but a brief explanation of both these types of family relation between animals will be given in the next two paragraphs while differences, in a nutshell, will be given at the end of this article to clarify how they differ.

Comparison Chart

They are species which are famous all over the world and are mostly found in Africa and India.They are species which are famous all over the world for their speed and athleticism and are mostly found in India and Pakistan.
Belong the panther family and are known as P. Leo.Belong to the same family with a different species name which is P. Tigris.
The weight of lions is more than that of tigers, they are around 360 kgTigers have a weight of around 230 kg.
Able to produce around 1-2 cubs in their lifetime.Can have around 2-4 of them in their life.

Definition of Lion

They are species which are famous all over the world and are mostly found in Africa and India. They belong to the family called Mammalia and even the same order which is known as Carnivores. They are considered the most ferocious animals and have a fear factor on people. They also belong to the cat family but do not have the ability to jump or leap and even climb the trees. They are considered lazy as compared to other animals and females are the ones who do most of the hunting and have faster speeds around 50 miles per hour. They produce around 2 cubs in their lifetime and are the ones who can survive on food for a longer time.

Definition of Tiger

They are species which are famous all over the world for their speed and athleticism and are mostly found in India and Pakistan. They also belong to the family called Mammalia and are considered carnivores. They are as dangerous as lions and even have more fear factor since they can climb trees in most cases. They have the ability to jump and leap and can do that at speeds of around 40 miles per hour. They are present in the world at different parts and are around 4000 in numbers and overall are not included in the endangered species list. They have a weight of around 230 kg and have are more athletic. They can also produce around 2-4 cubs in a lifetime.

Differences in a Nutshell

  • Lions belong the panther family and are known as P. Leo while tigers also belong to the same family with a different species name which is P. Tigris.
  • Lions have a shorter life span as compared to tigers, with lions having to live around 1-12 years and a maximum of 15 years in the case of females while tigers usually have a life of 15-16 years.
  • Lions have faster speeds as compared to tigers, and can run as fast as 45 miles per hour while a tiger can only run at a maximum of 40 miles per hour.
  • The body of a lion can be in different colors including brown and orange while tiger has black spots or stripes on the body.
  • The weight of lions is more than that of tigers, they are around 360 kg in weight while tigers have a weight of around 230 kg.
  • A lion is able to produce around 1-2 cubs in their lifetime while a tiger can have around 2-4 of them in their life.
  • Lions are mostly found in Africa while tigers are mostly found in Asian regions.
  • A tiger can easily climb a tree while a lion does not have the ability to climb a tree.
  • Lions are usually considered lazy and tigers are considered more active.
  • A tiger can jump and leap at long distances while lions do not have the ability to do that and focus more on standard speed.
  • There are a number of tigers present in the world which is around 4000 while the number of lions is usually disputed but is around 700-800.
  • Conclusion

    These two types are perhaps the simplest ones and anyone who has a slightest of knowledge about things will be able to tell how Lion and Tiger are different from each other. There are many other complicated ways to describe the differences between them as well and that is what this article has done, so that people can gain more knowledge.
