Difference Between Lessonly and Bridge

March 2022 · 5 minute read

Companies and different businesses need systems like LMS, LXP, etc., for a number of functions. Especially for training programs and distributing information throughout the place. Platforms like Lessonly and Bridge help in the process of training and performance and thus in the overall growth of the organizations.

Lessonly and Bridge are LMS learning platforms where people can start to get knowledge right from scratch to even expand. LMS is also known as computer-based training software and is rapidly growing. One should know the features and functions of the software that they are purchasing for their company/business. Thus it is important to know the difference between well-known LMS competitors Lessonly and Bridge.

Lessonly vs Bridge

The main difference between Lessonly and Bridge is that currently, Bridge has more count of features on its interference than Lessonly. The former platform has extra features like 360-degree feedback, real-time notifications, etc. Lessonly has other functions, but they are fewer.

Lessonly is an LMS, a learning management system. People use it build the training course and distribute it to the employees of the company. The best part of the software is that it can be customized to the person’s needs. The platform claims to give out 76% better results to the users’ businesses.

A bridge is a performance and learning software. It is easy to navigate and claims to grow both the company and its employees, both the managers and the other employees. The training on the platform can be done in various ways like videos, in-person, webinars, through documents, and lastly, live online.

Comparison Table Between Lessonly and Bridge

Parameters of ComparisonLessonlyBridge
FoundersEric Tobias, Kristian Andersen, Max Yoder, and Mike Fitzgerald.Brian Whitmer and Devlin Daley.
Year of discovery20122011
FeaturesIf to be compared with Bridge LMS, Lessonly has the fewer amount of features.The bridge is more featureful than Lessonly
SubscriptionsIt currently offers 4 subscription plans: Basic, Plus, Growth, and Enterprise.There are 3 plans offered by the company: Learning, Learning+performance, and Learning+Performance+Engagment.
Personalized featuresLessonly has less amount customizable forms of fonts, templates, etc.Bridge provides a variety of customization like customizable templates, questions, reports, etc.

What is Lessonly?

Lessonly is a training network designed to make the training part easier for businesses. There are four types of subscriptions until now, with the higher ones being added with extra features like providing certificates to the users, etc., depending on the type of plan.

The software has four plans the subscription until now: Basic, Plus, Growth, and Enterprise. Like other LMS, they bill per learner as well. The information throughout the training is not only theoretical but has the option to add pies and graphs as well making it interesting to understand by the trainees.

There are some features that make it worthwhile, like the option to record in-person training, providing a manager that will help new users on the platform, and many more. The disadvantage of the platform would be that users have sometimes found difficulty in getting the previous learning videos.

What is Bridge?

The bridge is a learning and employment management system. The learning platform is by the company Instructure but now is operated by Learning Technologies Group after its purchase by the latter in the year 2021. The software has a free trial offered to the users.

The software has a mobile application as well is compatible with popular browsers of the internet to the used on desktops. Since it has SCORM availability, people can sync their work in one electronic device and just right from that point in another type of electronic device. The company is also known as “Bridge learning”, “Bridge LMS”, and “Bridge by Instructure”.

The information and the documents of the company can be easily regulated between the managers and trainees that results in a faster end result and fewer chances of delaying. One can connect to the platform’s interference and set up a training session for a large group of learners. Even though Lessonly has more features, Bridge has extra functions of reporting and analytics, sales management, etc.

Main Differences Between Lessonly and Bridge

  • Lessonly is low in the number of features than Bridge. Bridge currently has additional features to offer its customers in contrast to Lessonly.
  • There are more languages available on Bridge in comparison to the platform of Lessonly. Lessonly has Polish, Danish, Czech, other languages in addition to the languages on Bridge.
  • The targeted audience of the platforms is different as well. Lessonly is mainly used by sales and supports teams of various companies, while Bridge’s audience is Enterprise organizations.
  • It is seen that Bridge has better customer service in comparison to Lessonly. The former is said to be, in particular, faster.
  • Both the companies provide SCORM files, but learners and managers have encountered problems on the Bridge software in comparison to the SCORM files on Lessonly.
  • Until now, Lessonly has less option to customize in its tailored programs. Bridge, on the other hand, has more diversity in customizing templates, reports, branding, questions, etc., on its lessons. This makes the overall program more interesting.
  • Conclusion

    These types of management software are now in great use, and their interest is only on the rise. People have noticed that by using these softwares’, not only they save time but money as well on various business activities. Both of the platforms, Lessonly and Bridge, are comparatively quite easier to navigate than their competitors.

    They help in distributing and measuring the information of the company. It is seen that managers see better performance and overall increased morale in the other employees of the company with the help of these platforms. Both Lessonly and Bridge have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it up to the person choosing which one will help their business strive better.


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