Difference between Lambs and Sheep

February 2023 · 3 minute read

Sheep and lambs are both parts of the ovine family, but there are some key differences between these animals. Lambs are born with hair, while sheep are not. Lambs also tend to be smaller than sheep. Most importantly, lambs are typically milk-fed, while sheep can graze on their own.

What is Lamb?

Lambs are young sheep that have not yet been weaned. Lambs are typically born in the spring and are raised by their mothers until they are old enough to be weaned, which is usually around six to eight weeks of age. Lambs are ready for slaughter at four to six months old. Lambs are a popular source of meat, and their soft, delicate flesh is often used in dishes such as lamb Stew or roast lamb. Lambs also produce a ball of valuable wool that is used in clothing and other textiles. Lambs are relatively easy to care for and make excellent pets, which is one of the reasons they are so popular. Lambs are gentle creatures that enjoy human companionship, and they quickly learn to recognize and respond to their owners. If you’re thinking of adding a lamb to your family, be sure to do your research first to make sure you’re prepared to care for one properly.

What is Sheep?

Sheep are domesticated animal that is part of the mammalian family. Sheep are kept as livestock for their wool and meat. They have been bred by humans for centuries and there are now many different breeds of sheep. Sheep are herbivores and graze on grasses. They are generally docile animals but can be aggressive if they feel threatened. Sheep are social creatures and live in herds. The female sheep is called a ewe and the male sheep is called a ram. A baby sheep is called a lamb. Sheep typically have a lifespan of 10-12 years.

Difference between Lambs and Sheep

Lambs and sheep are two different animals that are often confused with one another. Lambs are young sheep, whereas sheep can refer to either young or adult animals. Lambs are typically smaller than sheep and have softer, fluffier coats. In contrast, sheep tend to be larger in size and have thicker wool coats. While both lambs and sheep are raised for their meat and wool, lambs tend to be more desirable for consumption due to their tenderness. Overall, the key difference between lambs and sheep lies in the age of the animal, with lambs being younger and more delicate compared to adult sheep. With this distinction in mind, it is easy to see why it is important to know the difference between these two types of animals.


Although the terms “lamb” and “sheep” are often used interchangeably, there is a big difference between these two types of animals. Lambs are young sheep who have not yet been bred, while sheep are adults who have already given birth to lambs. The term “ewe” refers to an adult female sheep, while the term “ram” refers to an adult male sheep. If you are ever in doubt about whether an animal is a lamb or a sheep, just look for signs of horns on the head; rams will have horns while ewes will not.
