Difference between Java and JRE

January 2022 · 5 minute read

Software is a collection of programs that work together to do multiple tasks. A working framework is additionally programming that assists people with connecting with the PC framework. A program is a bunch of guidelines given to a PC to play out a particular activity or then again PC is a computational gadget that is utilized to handle the information heavily influenced by a PC program.

Java vs JRE

The main difference between Java and JRE is that JRE is a software package, whereas Java is a software platform. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the software required to run Java applications. Java is used to create applications whereas JRE contains the supporting files that JVM needs to run the code.

Java is an object-oriented programming language that runs on all platforms. Java is required to operate a wide range of applications, including games, social media apps, audio and video apps, and so on. Some of the applications of java are Transactions in banking, java APIs, Big data, and the stock market for the firm they should invest in based on algorithms, etc.

The Java Runtime Environment, or JRE, is a software layer that provides the class libraries and other resources that a Java application needs to operate. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is one of three components that work together to create and run Java programs. The other two components are Jvm and Jdk.

Comparison Table Between Java and JRE

Parameters of ComparisonJavaJRE
DefinitionJava is a software platform that allows developers to create and deploy programs across a variety of operating systems using a unified codebase.The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) contains the libraries, Java Virtual Machine, and other components required to run Java applets and applications.
UsesTo develop full programs that can operate on a single computer or over a network of servers and clientsIt includes supporting files required by JVM to run the code.
Type of SoftwareHigh-level programming languageSoftware package to run Java programs
CompatibilityWindows, Linux, Android, Mac OS for Java 7 (&later)Windows, Linux, Android, Mac Os
ExecutionWorks on main memory for building programssits on top of the operating system and offers Java-specific resources

What is Java?

Java is a programming language developed by the Green Team (James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton ) for Sun Microsystems in 1995 for digital devices like set-top boxes and televisions. Let’s take a closer look at the language. It’s an object-oriented programming language that’s comparable to C++ but has more sophisticated and simpler features. This language is available for free and may be used on any platform.

Java is Concurrent execution allows you to run several statements simultaneously rather than sequentially. A programming language that is built on classes and is object-oriented An autonomous scripting language built on the notion of “Write Once Run Anywhere,” which implies that generated code can run on any Java-enabled machine. Java has simplified life by eliminating all complications.

Portable: As a result, any program created for one platform may easily transfer to another.
Secure: After compilation, all code is transformed to byte code, which cannot be read by humans. Java does not utilize an explicit pointer and runs applications in a sandbox to prevent untrusted sources from interfering. It allows for the creation of virus-free and tamper-proof systems and applications.
Distributed: This language has a feature that aids in the development of distributed applications.

What is JRE?

JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a software package that allows you to run (but not develop) Java programs on your computer. JRE is only used by people who are end-users of your system and only wish to run Java apps.

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) consists of libraries, the Java Virtual Machine, and other aspects required for running Java applets and applications. The JRE also includes two important deployment technologies: Java Web Start, which allows independent programs to be delivered over the networks, and Java Plug-in, which allows apps to run in common browsers. Java Runtime Environment is found in the Browsers section’s Other Browser Add-ons & Plug-ins category.

A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a software layer that sits on top of an operating system and provides Java-specific resources. It isolates the operating system and provides a uniform environment for running and deploying Java applications. To run a Java program successfully, the JRE’s three components work together in this environment.

The Java class libraries are collections of ready-to-use code that may be invoked at any time. While the application is executing, the class loader links class libraries to the JVM and loads them into the JVM. The code is subsequently executed by the JVM.

Main Differences Between Java and JRE

  • Java is a software platform that allows developers to create and deploy programs across a variety of operating systems using a unified code base whereas the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) consists of libraries, the Java Virtual Machine, and other aspects required for running Java applets and applications. 
  • Java is used to develop full programs that can operate on a single computer or over a network of servers and clients while JRE includes supporting files required by JVM to run the code.
  • Java is a high-level programming language and JRE is a software package to run Java programs. 
  • Java is compatible with all major known OS except for Mac OS java 7 or later version is required while for JRE is compatible with all of the.
  • Java works on main memory for building programs and JRE sits on top of the operating system and offers Java-specific resources.
  • Conclusion

    Programming in Java is the same independent of the operating system for which the final application will be utilized, making it easy for programmers. However, you must have the necessary JRE for your operating system for Java apps to operate properly. A JRE is available for any operating system, including smartphones such as Windows and Android, as well as conventional mobile phones. Computers and mobile phones have distinct specs since they do not share the same hardware, and computer programs do not always operate on mobile phones.
    JRE is a software package, whereas Java is a software platform. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the software required to run Java applications. Java is the same no matter what operating system you’re using, however, the JRE is different.


  • https://www.edureka.co/blog/what-is-java/
  • https://www.ibm.com/in-en/cloud/learn/jre
  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/differences-jdk-jre-jvm/
  • https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/cloud-native-apps/what-is-a-Java-runtime-environment
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmopGrrm6tzZ1ko6qVYsSqwMdmq5qanJp8