Difference Between Its and It's (with Comparison Chart)

October 2022 · 3 minute read

its vs it'sContraction is the mixing of two words into a single word with the help of an apostrophe (‘) such as the words ‘it is’ are combined with an apostrophe and contracted as ‘it’s’. ‘It’s’ is often confused with ‘its’ as they are pronounced similar but they appear differently as the latter does not have an apostrophe. Moreover, they differ in their meanings too, as in ‘its‘ represents ownership, whereas ‘it’s‘ is a short form of it is or it has.

So, using them incorrectly in our sentences may change its meaning. Let’s understand their difference with the help of examples below:

In these sentences, we’ve used it’s, as a contraction of it is to make the sentence easier and shorter, whereas its is used to show belongingness or possession.

Content: Its Vs It’s

  • Comparison Chart
  • Definition
  • Key Differences
  • Examples
  • How to remember the difference
  • Comparison Chart

    Basis for ComparisonItsIt's
    MeaningIts is a possessive adjective, which represents belongingness to something that is already mentioned or easily relatable.It's is a short form of the expression 'it is' or 'it has'.
    What is it?DeterminerContraction
    ExamplesThe cat is sitting on its mat.It's not my car.
    The specialty of Agra is its Taj Mahal.It's been an year since we met.
    Computer and its parts are very costly.It's my life.

    Definition of Its

    The word ‘its’ is a possessive form of the word ‘it’, that means belongingness to some place, animal, child or any non-living object, which is previously mentioned or implied. It is always followed by a noun to which it relates.


    Definition of It’s

    The word ‘it’s’ is a contraction for ‘it is’ or sometimes ‘it has’, which is used to make the sentence simple and easy to read and understand. While ‘it’ is a pronoun used for indicating non-living things, animals, places etc. whereas ‘is’ and ‘has’ are helping/auxiliary verb.


    Key Difference Between Its and It’s

    The points stated below are noteworthy so far as the difference between its and it’s is concerned:

  • Its is a possessive version of the pronoun ‘it’, that is used to show belongingness or ownership to something, which is either mentioned earlier or easy to relate. It’s is a commonly spoken form of the expression ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.
  • While its is nothing but an attributive adjective, it’s is a contraction.
  • Example: It’s getting late.
    I’ve lost my car keys, I need to buy its new keys.
  • Examples



    How to remember the difference

    An easy way to memorize their difference between its and it’s is that when you can expand it, to ‘it is’ or ‘it has’ use it’s, otherwise use its in your sentence.
