Difference Between Interpreter and Compiler

June 2022 · 3 minute read

Main Difference

Interpreter carries out the function of translating program with one statement at a time. Compile gets a move on to scan whole the program then translate it as a whole into machine code. Interpreter covers analysis work with relatively less amount of time with sluggish over execution time. Compiler, on the other hand, takes much larger amount of time to assess and evaluate the source code; however, it runs faster. Interpreter is memory efficient and it does not need any intermediate object code generation. Compiler generates intermediate object code which further needs linking, hence it demands move memory. Interpreter carries on translating the program till the moment of dealing with the first error, hence debugging is easier here. Compiler, on the other hand, generates the error message only after scanning the entire program and here the debugging is difficult. Interpreter takes single instruction input while Compiler takes whole the program as input. Compilers associate with Python Ruby programming languages while Interpreters takes C and C++. It is easier in Compiler to secure Intellectual Property since machine code is not easily understood. Interpreter goes with feeble Intellectual property because of the source code has to be available at the time of functionality.

Comparison Chart

Interpreter takes single instruction as input.Compiler takes entire program as input.
Object Code
No Intermediate Object Code is generated in Interpreter.Intermediate Object Code is produced in Compiler
Control Statements
A sluggish execution of Conditional Control Statement in Interpreter.Conditional Control Statements are executed quickly in Compiler
Higher level program is converted into lower level program every time.Program does not need to get compiled every time in Compiler.

What is Interperter?

An Interpreter is a computer program, executing directly, it carries out instructions written in a programming language without preliminary compiling them into a machine language program. It makes use of one of some certain techniques to execute program. It goes to translate source code into some efficient intermediate representation and execute this right away. Interpreter takes single instruction to receive input and there is no Intermediate Object Code is produced. Interpreter experiences slower execution of Conditional Control Statements as well as Memory Requirement is minimum. In interpreter, higher level program is converted into lower level program every time. Here, errors are shown in every instruction.

What is Compiler?

A Compiler is a computer program that serves in transforming source code written in a programming language into another computer language. Initially, the very title ‘Compiler’ is used for programs that translate source code from a high-level programming language to a lower level language. A compiler also carries out such operations as lexical analysis, preprocessing, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation as well as code optimization. Compiler takes the whole program as input and here the Intermediate Object Code is surely produced. Execution of Conditional Control Statement is faster in Compiler and the program does not need to get compiled every time. When entire the program is evaluated, the errors are manifested.

Key Differences

  • Interpreter takes single instruction as input; Compiler takes entire program as input.
  • Intermediate Object Code is produced in Compiler; No Intermediate Object Code is generated in Interpreter.
  • Conditional Control Statements are executed quickly in Compiler; there is s sluggish execution of Conditional Control Statement in Interpreter.
  • Higher level program is converted into lower level program every time in Interpreter; program does not need to get compiled every time in Compiler.
  • Debugging is easy in Interpreter; Language gets critical to be debugged in Compiler
  • Conclusion

    Computer architecture and understanding terms associated to it can be a troublesome task and these two terms above are similar ones which have various differences between them but always seem similar to each other. This article has, therefore, looks to explain the differences between them to help people create a clear understanding.
