Difference between Internal Audit and Internal Control

October 2022 · 5 minute read

Control is critical in any business since no company can succeed if its controls are inadequate or non-existent. People frequently conflate two concepts when it comes to exercising control or managing risks: internal control and internal audit. These are the two most widely used frameworks for monitoring and regulating all business functions’ performance.

Internal auditing is a major part of the internal control system. It’s a system for assigning responsibilities to employees in which one person’s work is automatically and independently examined by another. Internal audits provide a value-added service to the administration and the board of directors by taking and correcting difficulties in a process prior to external audits.

Internal Audit vs Internal Control

The main difference between internal audit and internal control is that they differ in their objective, classification, nature, work verification, and time of checking, further, you will see each term in detail. Internal auditing and internal control assist businesses in keeping track of their daily operations. These terms are frequently interchanged, but they have separate meanings.

Internal auditing is a professional activity that ensures the success of an organization’s internal control system. Internal control, on the other hand, is a system that consists of a control environment and procedures that assist the firm in attaining its business goals. An internal audit is usually carried out by a group of professionals selected by a corporation. Internal auditors need a detailed awareness of the company’s culture, systems, and processes.

Internal control systems, on the other hand, are implemented and designed by a company’s management, supervisory personnel, and other board of directors. It has different examples such as Segregation of Duties, Physical Controls, Reconciliations, Policies and Procedures, Transaction and Activity Reviews, and Information Processing Controls. Internal control is a whole different level for the company to manage.

Comparison Table Between Internal Audit and Internal Control

  Parameters of Comparison Internal AuditInternal Control
ObjectiveTo ensure compliance with management policiesTo detect fraud and error
NatureIt is a preventive activityIt is a detective activity
Work verificationA person who is verified by another personEvery component of work is verified
Time of checkingChecking is done after the work is performedThe transaction is checked as soon as it is registered

 What is an Internal Audit? 

Internal audit refers to the firm’s auditing procedure for a professional assessment of its financial and operational activities. Internal audit is an unbiased service that assesses an organization’s internal controls, corporate practices, processes, and methodologies. Internal audits aid in assuring a company’s compliance with the various laws that apply to it.

An internal audit’s goal is to evaluate an organization’s efficacy and operational standards. An organization’s operations, such as placing orders, accepting the delivery, and making payments, may be governed by a set of rules. An internal audit can also be used to determine whether personnel are adhering to internal operational standards.

Internal audits can be performed annually, monthly, or quarterly. The decision is based on the organization’s requirements. In some situations, such as under the Companies Act of 2013, a corporation must appoint an internal auditor. An internal auditor can use a variety of evaluation or analysis techniques when conducting an internal audit.

A substantial amount of internal audit focuses on the organization’s internal controls above financial reporting as they are close to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that outcome their financial statements. Outside of accounting and finance, many businesses understand the necessity for various sorts of assessments or audits. Compliance, environmental, information technology, operational, and performance audits are just a few of the main sectors.

What is Internal Control? 

Internal control brings up the techniques and procedures available by the administration to monitor and regulate activities to assist the company meets its goals. Internal Controls are a company’s protocols, regulations, and procedures for ensuring the correctness of financial and accounting data, promoting accountability, and forbidding fraud.

Internal controls can boost operational efficiency by enhancing financial reporting validity and timeliness, as well as ensuring compliance with laws and ruling and keeping safe to workers from stealing assets or committing fraud. Internal control can give a reason, but not absolute confidence that an organization’s goals will be realized. The term “reasonable assurance” means a high level of conviction limited by the costs and benefits of implementing incremental control processes.

Internal Control’s role is to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems and offer recommendations for improvements where they are needed. Internal audits are critical in internal controls and corporate management now that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has made ruling lawfully responsible for the exactness of a company’s financial statements.

There are three types of internal controls: detective, preventative, and remedial. Controls are policies, procedures, and technical safeguards that are used to prevent issues and protect an organization’s assets. 

Main Differences Between Internal Audit and Internal Control

  • Internal auditing’s goal is to guarantee that management policies are followed, while internal controls are used to detect fraud and errors.
  • Internal auditing is a type of activity, while internal control is a type of system.
  • Internal auditing is a preventive activity, while internal control is a detective one.
  • In an internal audit, a person’s work is certified by another person; on the other hand, every component of work is verified in internal control.
  • Internal auditing checks the transaction as soon as it is recorded, whereas internal control checks the work after it is completed.
  • Conclusion

    Internal auditing and internal control systems both are critical for a company’s success. An internal audit can guarantee that a company follows the law and rules promptly. The audit provides a level of security and aids in the risk management of fraud, power abuse, and other scenarios. An internal auditor gives a neutral appraisal of the processes and financial statements to management.

    Using the services of an internal auditor, managers can improve their operational and financial performance.
    Internal control, on the other hand, is the control mechanism that a company’s management develops and implements. It facilitates the orderly and effective conduct of business. Its goals are to guarantee that management policies are followed, that assets are protected, and that records are accurate.

    Internal control and internal audit, in general, are important for every firm to assess its overall performance. Internal control has a broader reach than an internal audit because the former covers the latter.
