Difference Between Implications and Recommendations in Research

January 2023 · 3 minute read

In research, what is the difference between implication and recommendation? Answer: Research implications suggest how the findings may be important for policy, practice, theory, and subsequent research. ... Recommendations urge specific actions to be taken with regard to policy, practice, theory, or subsequent research.

How do you write an implication for a research study?

The implications of your research will derive from why it was important to conduct your study and how will it impact future research in your field. You should base your implications on how previous similar studies have advanced your field and how your study can add to that.

What is the difference between implication and conclusion?

As nouns the difference between implication and conclusion

is that implication is (uncountable) the act of implicating while conclusion is the end, finish, close or last part of something.

What are examples of implications?

The definition of implication is something that is inferred. An example of implication is the policeman connecting a person to a crime even though there is no evidence. An implicating or being implicated.

What is implication for practice in research?

Implications for practice involve discussing what your findings might mean for individuals who work in your field of study. Think about what people do in your field. ... Implications for practice also involve discussing how information from your study might be delivered to practitioners.

What are the methods in research and its implications?

Research methods

How do you use implication in a sentence?

Implication in a Sentence 🔉

  • Cheryl's hiding of her report card gave me the implication she had failed at least one of her classes. ...
  • When I saw the maître d' staring at my jeans and tee shirt, I knew he was making an implication about my ability to afford a five-star meal.
  • Does implication mean conclusion?

    Research implications are basically the conclusions that you draw from your results and explain how the findings may be important for policy, practice, or theory. ... They are specific suggestions that you make with regard to further research on the topic.

    What is the meaning of implications?

    1 : the fact or state of being involved in or connected to something. 2 : a possible future effect or result Consider the implications of your actions. 3 : something that is suggested Your implication is unfair.

    What is the meaning of conclusion?

    noun. the end or close; final part. the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached. ... final decision: The judge has reached his conclusion. a reasoned deduction or inference.

    What is another word for implications?

    Implications Synonyms - WordHippo Thesaurus.
    What is another word for implications?


    What are the practical implications?

    A practical implication is the outcome or end result that occurs if specific events take place. "Practical" applies to actual results while an "implication" refers to a logical connection between the condition and the outcome. ... Practical implications are based on logic and reasoning.

    What is the difference between implication and application?

    Answer. As nouns the difference between implication and application is that implication is (uncountable) the act of implicating while application is the act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense; as, the application of emollients to a diseased limb.
