Difference between Hydrometer and Hygrometer

February 2023 · 4 minute read

Do you know the difference between a hygrometer and a hydrometer? A hygrometer measures humidity, the amount of water vapour in air. A hydrometer, on the other hand, measures the density or specific gravity (SG) of a liquid by floating in the liquid.

What is a hydrometer used for?

A hydrometer is an instrument used to determine specific gravity. It operates based on the Archimedes principle that a solid body displaces its own weight within a liquid in which it floats. Hydrometers can be divided into two general classes: liquids heavier than water and liquids lighter than water.

Why is it called a hygrometer?

In 1783, Swiss physicist and geologist, Horace Bénédict de Saussure built the first hygrometer using a human hair to measure humidity. These are called mechanical hygrometers, based on the principle that organic substances (human hair) contract and expand in response to the relative humidity.

What is the difference between hydrometer and Lactometer?

Hydrometer is actually the instrument which is used the measure the specific gravity of liquid. ... While the lactometer is a type of the hydrometer specifically used for determining the specific gravity of milk. This is used in order to check the purity of the milk. So basically the lactometer is only used for milk.

What is the difference between a hygrometer and a psychrometer?

In reality there is no difference between them, a psychrometer is actually a type of hygrometer. A hygrometer is a device that is used to measure the moisture content of the air, basically this means the relative humidity and the dew point.

What is the definition of hydrometer?

: an instrument for determining the specific gravity of a liquid (as an alcohol or saline solution) and hence its strength. Other Words from hydrometer. hydrometry \ -​ə-​trē \ noun, plural hydrometries. More from Merriam-Webster on hydrometer.

Can a hydrometer measure alcohol content?

The use of a hydrometer is necessary to calculate the alcohol by volume (ABV) content of your beer, cider or wine. A hydrometer is a device used to measure the specific gravity (SG) or density of a liquid with respect to water. ... It will now have a specific gravity closer to water.

What is another name for hygrometer?

The difference in temperature between the two thermometers is then used to calculate the relative humidity. This type of hygrometer is also called a psychrometer.

Where is hygrometer used?

Aside from greenhouses and industrial spaces, hygrometers are also used in some incubators, saunas, humidors and museums. They are also used in the care of wooden musical instruments such as pianos, guitars, violins, and harps which can be damaged by improper humidity conditions.

Where should hygrometer be placed?

Locate your hygrometer in a living area away from the moisture produced by the kitchen or a bathroom. For maximum heating effectiveness and comfort, humidity levels should be between 30% and 50%. In the summer, a maximum of 55% is tolerable.

Is Lactometer a hydrometer?

Lactometer: measures the specific gravity of milk and indicates the content of unsaturated fats, proteins and calcium. In this respect it is a hydrometer. To obtain the % total solids in milk you would need to determine the % fat using the Babcock or Gerber methods and use the Lactometer reading in the calculation.

How does Lactometer show the purity of milk?

For milk testing, lactometer is dipped in milk which we are testing. ... It sinks less in milk than water because as we know milk is denser than water. In the lactometer there are two portions i.e. 'M 'and 'W' which is divided in three parts and marked as 3, 2 and 1. That indicates the level of the purity in milk.

How does the Lactometer work?

A lactometer is used to check purity of cow's milk. ... Milk is poured in and allowed to stand until the cream has formed, then the depth of the cream deposit in degrees determines the quality of the milk. If the milk sample is pure, the lactometer floats; if it is adulterated or impure, the lactometer sinks.
