Difference Between Graphic Card and Video Card

February 2022 · 4 minute read

Main Difference

There are many components of a computer, and one of the main ones is the motherboard. It is not an isolated part of the machine but has many other components connected to it such as RAM, processor, and others. This helps in the computer to work under the desired conditions and gives the people who use it, the comfort that their system is working properly. Two such components of a motherboard which are essential in a way are Graphics card and Video card. Usually, they are considered the same because of the uses, and there is some truth in that statement, but still, there are few differences between them which arise due to the way they are spoken and the place where they are made. A graphic card can, therefore, be defined as a card that connects the motherboard with the help of different slots. These slots consist of various components such as a groove for RAM, graphics adapter, and local memory. A video card is a card in which the monitor is connected with. These are usually present in the system by default. Therefore there is no requirement of another video card to be connected, but people who are interested in playing video games can opt for getting an excellent card. Video card provides the visual solutions while a graphic card provides the solutions for the resolutions. Making the price comparison, a video card itself is pretty cheap, but a dedicated graphic card can be extremely costly in comparison. The speed of a graphic card is faster than a video card which only performs basic functions but does not need a high speed. There are a few other differences between them which will be pointed at the end, a brief explanation of both these cards is given in the next two paragraphs.

Comparison Chart

Graphic CardVideo Card
The visual part of the network helps in controlling and improving the pictures, videos, animations and other features.A device which is used to connect the motherboard to the computing system.
Shows the picture with a better resolution and even supports 3D animation.Used to display the visual items on the computer screen the way they are.
Often need to replace the graphics card.Usually no requirement of replacing a video card.

Definition of Video Card

A video card is a device which is used to connect the motherboard to the computing system. This card combines the monitor with the other system and shows all the information in the video form to the user. There are a processing unit, a memory and a cooling system present in the video card. Mostly they are inbuilt in the system complimenting the other specifications but can be replaced. They are also considered similar to graphic cards and in comes cases referred to them, but there is the very minor difference between them. A video card does not perform other functions but just shows the information the way how it is. There are no specific names of this card and is not considered a major component of the computer.

Definition of Graphic Card

The visual part of the network helps in controlling and improving the pictures, videos, animations and other features of the device and make sure they are displayed on the computer screens in the best possible way. These components are placed on a card which is separate and is connected to the motherboard with the help of slots. Since they are joined with the main part of the computer and are inserted into the groove, they are known as a graphics card. People who love playing video games often replace the card for their desktop because newer versions of games often require the latest graphics. There are different names of a graphic card which are called video adapter, display adapter, and graphic accelerator.

Differences in a Nutshell

  • A video card and graphic card are considered the different names for the same thing depending on the places where they are used.
  • A video card is used to display the visual items on the computer screen the way they are, but a graphic card shows the picture with a better resolution and even supports 3D animation.
  • A video card is always present with the computer, but a graphics card may or may not be present.
  • There is often need to replace the graphics card for people who love playing video games and watching stuff while there is usually no requirement of replacing a video card.
  • Video cards are cheaper in comparison to the graphics
  • The speed of a graphics card is faster than the rate of a video card.
  • Conclusion

    Computer architecture and terms associated to it can be a troublesome task and these two terms above are similar ones which have various differences between them but always seem similar to each other. This article has, therefore, looks to explain the differences between Video and Graphic card to help people create a clear understanding.
