Difference Between Grade A and B Maple Syrup

June 2023 · 2 minute read

Grade A vs B Maple Syrup

If you are talking about breakfast condiments, maple syrup is one of the most loved of them all which is usually placed near your orange juice. However, there is a bigger story behind maple syrups than just being the standard add-ons for pancakes.

Maple syrups that have been bottled or distributed in America bear some grading labels – these are grade A and grade B. The primary difference between these two grades is their color. Grade A syrups basically have the lightest coloration compared to the darker Grade B maple syrups. To further expand the Grade A classification system, manufacturers name three sub-categories for this grade namely: dark amber, medium amber, and light amber.

In terms of flavor, many claim that the two grades don’t vary that much. However, the most experienced connoisseurs will usually say that Grade A maple syrups possess a more subtle and delicate taste compared to their Grade B counterparts. In this connection, most Grade A syrups are used as your mainstay condiments for your favorite waffles and pancakes. The stronger and more robust flavor of Grade B syrups is more appropriate if used in baking and other cooking preparations.

Being Grade A, this will also imply that the syrup was obtained at the earliest time of the season (around February to March) whereas Grade B syrups are harvested at the later part of the season (sometime in April). Moreover, the two classes don’t have any significant difference nutrition-wise. If you assess the nutrition facts or food labels on the container, the two syrups don’t differ that much. It’s just that some brands tend to manipulate their products a bit to appear more nutritious than their competing brands.

Lastly, there is actually a third maple syrup category labeled Grade C. However, this kind of condiment is not commercially distributed because its strong taste suggests it to be used as a potent flavoring ingredient rather than to be eaten by itself. This is sold by the barrels to industry food makers of products that are maple flavored.


1.Grade A maple syrups bear a lighter color compared to the darker Grade B syrups.
2.Grade A syrups are said to be more delicate and subtle in taste than the stronger Grade B syrups.
3.Grade A syrups are harvested at the earliest time of the season while Grade B syrups are obtained at a much later part of the season.
4.Grade A syrups have other subcategories while Grade B doesn’t have any.
