Difference Between Google and Google+ (Plus)

September 2022 · 4 minute read

Google vs Google+ | Google Plus innovative features

How do you compare a parent with his child? Or for that matter how do you compare a search engine with a social networking site? But this is what the difference between Google and Google+ is, for those who do not know. Even in times of internet and fast moving news, there are people who may not get the news and might think of Google+ as being a new, better search engine than Google. This article will attempt to highlight the differences between Google and Google+ lest ignorant people think along these lines.

Google has been a winner by a long distance when it comes to search engines but it knows that the road ahead might be bumpy if it does not become more social than it is right now. It is not that Google has not made previous attempts. But Google Buzz, which was considered by Google to be an answer to amazing popularity of Facebook, fell flat on its own face even before it could be adopted by users in all parts of the world. But the recent unveiling of Google+ by Google is clear example of learning from past mistakes, not just its own, but also those of Facebook, which seems to have inspired Google a lot. There are many who do not like the privacy policies of Facebook, and some of is other features. Google has worked on these aspects and has come up with new, innovative features that have the capability to lure not just new users but also a large chunk from the existing customer base of Facebook. Let us take a closer look at some of these features.

How many times you have to restrain yourself from posting some of your intimate photos so that your John uncle or Helen aunt do not get to see those photos. Yes, this is one big problem with Facebook where everything you post is seen by all of your acquaintances, even those whom you do not know very closely. Google+ has taken care of this embarrassment by allowing you to make circles. Yes, you can make all sorts of circles, old classmates, uncles and aunts, intimate friends, girlfriends, and so on, and post your photos and videos to be seen only by the circle you want to.

Another problem that is commonly encountered by users of various social networking sites is the long time taken to upload their photos and videos. The instant upload feature of Google+ will pleasantly surprise you as you can see the photo of your playful doggy on your home page as soon as you take its picture or video.

How much you wish your friends were there when you find out a place that is really cool and you wish to explore it and enjoy it along with your friends. Hangout feature in Google+ allows you to do just that. Once you think you have dug a surprise place, you can post you information and discovery through Hangouts, and see how many of your friends actually come and share your joy.

There is Facebook likes through which you can tell the world about what you have liked. But there is a special feature called Sparks on Google+ where you note your likes and dislikes in various categories (you get to make your own categories too) and Google comes up with exciting news and stuff that is to your liking every now and then on its own.

I know how much troublesome it is when you find scorers of friends on a networking site who want to talk to you and how many times you make mistakes by entering something in one friend’s window that you should have entered in another friend’s window. Google+ has taken care of this problem as you get to chat with all of your friends at the same time in a single window through a feature called Huddle.


Google has launched Google+ but is inviting only a select number of people as the site is in its experimental stage only. But judging by the response shown by people to this brand new social networking site with so many advanced features, it is a foregone conclusion that we are all set to enter a new era of communication on the web.
