Difference Between Golden Flax Seeds and Brown Flax Seeds

January 2023 ยท 5 minute read

Main Difference

The main difference between Golden Flax Seeds and Brown Flax Seeds is that Golden Flax Seeds has fewer calories and fat, but it has a higher protein content whereas Brown Flax Seeds has more calories and fat.

Golden Flax Seeds vs. Brown Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are the nutritious grains that we can easily buy from health stores or grocery stores. Sometimes, they are also called linseeds. Flax seeds are actually the fiber crops which are cultivated in colder areas of the world. They are available in varieties like golden or brown. Brown flax seeds and golden flax seeds both contain a crowd of nutritional benefits, but they are different in certain ways. Sometimes, golden flax seeds are also often mentioned as Dakota Gold. They are typically found in the steppes of North Dakota. Brown flax seeds, on the other hand, are grown in the Canadian state. Canada is the leading cultivator of flax seeds, and the most common type grown there is the brown flax seeds. 43 to 44 percent of oil is present in golden flax seeds. Fifty-one percent of this oil is basically the omega-3 fatty acid, which is also called ALA or alpha-linolenic acid. Brown flax seeds, on the flip side, have 44 percent oil. Out of which 59% of the oil content is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) or omega-3 fatty acids. One tablespoon of the golden flax seeds would give 2.1 grams of ALA. Conversely, one tablespoon of the brown flax seeds would produce 2.5 grams of ALA.

Comparison Chart

Golden Flax SeedsBrown Flax Seeds
Golden flax seeds have fewer calories and fat, but it has a higher protein content.Brown Flax Seeds has more calories and fat.
Other Name
Golden flax seeds are also called Dakota Gold.There is no other name for the brown flax seeds.
Growing Areas
Golden flax seeds are typically grown in the steppes of North Dakota.Brown flax seeds are typically grown in the Canadian state.
% of Oil in Seeds
43 to 44 percent of oil is present in the golden flax seeds. Fifty-one percent of this oil is basically the omega-3 fatty acid, which is also called ALA or alpha-linolenic acid.Brown flax seeds have 44 percent oil. Out of which 59% of the oil content is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) or omega-3 fatty acids.
% of ALA
One tablespoon of the golden flax seeds contains 2.1 grams of ALA.One tablespoon of the brown flax seeds contains 2.5 grams of ALA.
Access to Seeds
It is harder to find the golden flax seeds.It is easier to find the brown flax seeds.
Buying Place
Golden flax seeds are generally available in the health food stores.We can buy brown flax seeds from any grocery store.
Way to Sell
Golden flax seeds are generally sold as in whole grain form.Brown flax seeds are sold in whole grain form or ground form.
Golden flax seeds are easily incorporated and are hidden in recipes because of its color.Brown flax seeds are used as an ingredient, and because of its color, it stands out in dishes.

What is Golden Flax Seeds?

Golden flax seeds are typically found in the steppes of North Dakota. They are often mentioned as Dakota Gold. These seeds contain a hard outer shell, which has a lot of fiber. 5,000 years ago, flax seeds were cultivated in Babylon. At present, they are still thought of as a valuable crop. 43 to 44 percent of oil is present in these seeds. Fifty-one percent of this oil is basically the omega-3 fatty acid, also called as ALA or alpha-linolenic acid. One tablespoon of the golden flax seeds contains 2.1 grams of ALA. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is good for the treatment and prevention of blood vessel and heart diseases.

What is Brown Flax Seeds?

Brown flax seeds are grown in the Canadian state. These seeds contain a good amount of calories, fat, and protein and are also a rich source of lignans, which are actually the phytochemicals (heart-healthy nutrients). Consuming of these seeds can do various things for us; for example, they can reduce sugar cravings, promote weight loss, and even fight with cancer. The subtle flavor of these seeds gives out a buttery, nutty taste along-with a light scent.

Key Differences

  • Golden flax seeds have fewer calories and fat, but it has a higher protein content, whereas, brown Flax Seeds has more calories and fat.
  • Golden flax seeds are also called Dakota Gold; on the other hand, there is no other name for the brown flax seeds.
  • Golden flax seeds are typically grown in the steppes of North Dakota. Conversely, brown flax seeds are typically grown in the Canadian state.
  • 43 to 44 percent of oil is present in the golden flax seeds. Fifty-one percent of this oil is the omega-3 fatty acid, which is also called ALA or alpha-linolenic acid, on the flip side, brown flax seeds have 44 percent oil. Out of which 59% of the oil content is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) or omega-3 fatty acids.
  • One tablespoon of the golden flax seeds contains 2.1 grams of ALA, on the other side, one tablespoon of the brown flax seeds contains 2.5 grams of ALA.
  • It is harder to find the golden flax seeds, while, it is easier to find the brown flax seeds.
  • Golden flax seeds are generally available in the health food stores; on the other hand, we can buy brown flax seeds from any grocery store.
  • Golden flax seeds are generally sold as in whole grain form, whereas, brown flax seeds are sold in whole grain form or ground form.
  • Golden flax seeds are easily incorporated and are hidden in recipes because of its color, on the flip side, brown flax seeds are used as an ingredient and because of its color, it stands out in dishes.
  • Conclusion

    All of the above discussion summarizes that the golden flax seeds and the brown flax seeds are not only used for flavoring purposes; they also protect us from a lot of diseases like cancer and heart diseases. They have different amounts of calories and fats in them.
