Difference Between Fiberglass and Plastic

May 2023 · 6 minute read

Main Difference

The main difference between Fiberglass and Plastic is that Fiberglass is classified as an inorganic substance, whereas Plastic is classified as an organic substance.

Fiberglass vs. Plastic

Fiberglass is the compound that is composed of glass fiber embedded in the matrix of resin, whereas plastic is the material that is made up of poly organic compounds and is used as a wide range. Fiberglass is an inorganic compound, whereas plastic is an organic compound. Fiberglass is mainly composed of glass threads and resin; on the other hand, plastic is mainly composed of organic polymer chains. Fiberglass is composed of organic polymer chains; on the flip side, plastics can be molded into different shapes by the heating method.

Fiberglass is light in weight as compared with the high strength; on the other hand, plastic can be molded into desire shapes by heating it. Fiberglass is mostly used in the manufacturing of houses and shelters; on the flip side, plastic is mostly used in the manufacturing of all the things which we desire.

Fiberglass is expensive and time-consuming; on the other hand, plastic is cheap and quick to produce in a more considerable amount. Fiberglass is hard and extremely strong, whereas plastic is quick and easy to repair. Fiberglass is exceptionally resistant to daily abrasion; on the flip side, plastic can decay by harmful radiations by the sun.

Fiberglass is mainly composed of glass fibers embedded in resins; on the flip side, plastic is mainly composed of long cross-linked chain polymers. Fiberglass can bear the heat, so it is called heat resistant substance without changing its shape; on the flip side, plastic cannot withstand in a large amount of heat, and its shape is changed into other deformed shapes.

Comparison Chart

Fiberglass is defined as the substance which is composed of the fiber of glass embedded in resinPlastic is defined as the substance which is composed of long chains of organic polymers
Fiberglass is an inorganic compoundPlastic is an organic compound
Fiberglass is made up of glass fibers fixed in resinsPlastic is the material that is composed of long chains of organic polymers
Tensile Strength
Fiberglass has high tensile strength as compared to its weightPlastic has small tensile strength as compared to its weight
Fiberglass is useful in the manufacturing of sheltersPlastic is commonly used in the manufacturing of the things which we desire
Time-Consuming Method
Fiberglass manufacturing is a time-consuming processPlastic manufacturing is a less time-consuming process
Fiberglass is solidPlastic is strong enough to bear any desirable shapes
Quick Reduction
Fiberglass can withstand for a more extended period under the harmful radiation of the sunplastic is quickly reduced under the harmful radiation of the environment.
It is a durable substanceIt is a malleable substance
Heat Resistance
Fiberglass is more heat resistanceIt is also a heat resistance material but heating can change its shape and can be molded in other forms of shapes
Fiberglass is only one type that is made up of fibers of glass embedded by resinsPlastics are if two types, i.e., thermosetting and thermoplastic
Manufacturing Process
Fiberglass is the substance which is manufactured by embedded the fiber of glass by the heating processPlastic is the substance which is manufactured by the long-chain which is crossly interlinked by a large number of polymers

What is Fiberglass?

Fiberglass is an inorganic substance. It is composed of fibers of glass embedded in resins. It is a thick sheet-like substance. It is primarily used in the construction of buildings. It is sturdy, and hard substances cannot easily bend.

Fiberglass is also used as a shade in the courtyard. Fiberglass is less resistant when exposed to harmful radiations of the environment. Fiberglass has only one type; it cannot gain weight after some time, and it is the type of reinforced-plastic.

The production of Fiberglass is only can be done by heating the glass until it is molten. Then this molten glass extruded with tiny holes by applying force on it. Then these glass substance blended and is lined with different compounds. Fiberglass is vital in the manufacturing of useful commercial substances, i.e., glass sheet, window glass, and as a roof, etc. Fiberglass contains high strength as compared to the low weight and very expensive in a vast amount.

The covering is done by binding the correct bond between fibers of glass and resin. Then these chemicals are said to be a binder. Commercially uses of Fiberglass, i.e., in making doors cupboards, boats, automobiles parts, etc. The substances that are made from Fiberglass are very durable. This substance contains high strength as compared to the weight.

What is Plastic?

Plastic is mainly classified as an organic substance. In simple Plastic is composed of long chains of cross-link polymers. Plastic is a flexible substance. It is heated and can be changed into a desirable form. Plastic contains organic polymers that are repeated after a sequence.

Plastic mainly contains carbon with hydrogen and other substances. Plastic is decomposed when exposed to harmful radiations of the environment. It is weight gaining substance after exposure to some time. Now our world is also called a plastic world. It is primarily utilized in our everyday routine. Today different industries are working in the production of Plastic.

Plastic can be divide into two types thermoplastic and thermosetting. Thermoplastic is the Plastic that can be changed into different shapes by heating, by melting and new shape can be gain to a melted substance.

Thermosetting is the Plastic whose shape cannot change after melting it. For example, a polythene bag, bottles, plates. Plastic is a weak conductor, and it is less resistant to heat. Thermosetting substance once gains, then its shape cannot be changed.

Key Differences

  • Fiberglass is an inorganic substance, whereas plastic is an organic substance.
  • Fiberglass is composed of the fiber of glass that is embedded in resin; on the other hand, plastic is mainly composed of organic polymers long chains of cross-linked.
  • Fiberglass is a durable substance; on the flip side, plastic is a malleable substance.
  • Fiberglass is high tensile strength as compared to its weight, whereas plastic is low tensile strength as compared to its weight
  • Fiberglass has only one type; on the flip side, plastics have two types
  • Fiberglass is more heat resistant; on the other hand, plastic is decomposing under harmful radiations.
  • Fiberglass is used in the manufacturing of buildings, whereas plastic is used in the manufacturing of the things which we desire in our daily life.
  • Conclusion

    Fiberglass and Plastic are essential in our daily life. These are used in the manufacturing of different things, i.e., shade is made through Fiberglass or boats are also made through it, and bottles and plastic plates are made through Plastic. The main difference between Fiberglass and Plastic; Fiberglass is mainly composed of the fiber of glass that is embedded in resin, and Plastic is mainly composed of organic polymers.
