Difference Between Famous and Popular

April 2023 · 3 minute read

Famous vs Popular

Even though most of us tend to use the words famous and popular interchangeably, there is a clear difference between these two words. Being popular is winning the hearts of a number of people. A popular person is liked by thousands. But being famous is not the same thing. Famous is known about by many people. A person who is famous may be known by thousands of people, but this does not denote that he is liked and loved by people. For example, let us take a politician. He can be famous, but not popular. However, when a person is popular, he naturally becomes famous as well. Through this article let us examine the difference between the two words.

What does Popular mean?

Being popular is when an individual is liked by many people. This can be due to many reasons. For example, some singers, actors become popular for their personalities and various causes that they get involved in. This makes them special and help them to win the hearts of people. For example, a key personality who helps thousands of victims of a natural disaster, or a performer who speaks on behalf of a disadvantaged group, naturally becomes popular.

Princess Diana can be considered as a truly popular personality who won the hearts of thousands of people. The key characteristic of a popular person is that he or she is not only known by people, but also loved. Now, let us pay attention to some examples.

He is a popular singer among teenagers.

It is one of the popular tourist locations in the region.

In both sentences, the word popular has been used. Notice how, in each case, the word popular brings about the idea, that the individual or the location is loved by people.

Difference Between Famous and Popular

Princess Diana is a popular personality

What does Famous mean?

Famous is being known by a large number of people. This can be due to a specific achievement of the individual or a specific cause to which he or she is dedicated. For example, Hitler was famous throughout the world and even today his name is known by most of us. This does not denote that he was loved by people, but that he was known for his cause. A person does not necessarily have to be devoted towards a worthy cause to be famous; he can even be plain evil or destructive.

Examine the usage of the word famous in the sentences presented below.

He is a famous politician in the country.

It is a famous hotel in the continent.

In both sentences, the word famous gives out the idea that it is known by many people. This emphasizes that the two words have to be used with care in the English language.

 Famous vs Popular

Hitler is a famous personality

What is the difference between Famous and Popular?

• Definitions of Famous and Popular:

• Being popular is being liked by many people.

• Famous is being known about by many people.

• People’s Reaction:

• A popular person is liked by many people.

• A famous person may not be liked by many people.

• A famous person becomes popular when he is liked by a lot of people.

• Connection:

• An individual can become famous without being popular.

• A popular person naturally becomes famous as well.

Images Courtesy:

  • Princess Diana via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
  • Hitler by Esc.eliska (CC BY-SA 3.0 de)
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