Difference between Expression and Equation

May 2023 · 4 minute read

When you are solving math problems, it is important to use the correct mathematical notation. Expressions are a way of representing quantities without performing any operations, while equations involve operations that result in a single answer. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between expression and equation, and provide some examples of each. We will also discuss how to solve equations step-by-step. By understanding these concepts, you will be able to perform complex mathematical operations with ease!

What is Expression?

Expression in maths is a mathematical phrase that can be evaluated to produce a value. Expressions can be simple, such as “2 + 3”, or complex, such as “2(a + b)”. In order to evaluate an expression, we must first understand the meaning of each symbol within it. For example, the plus sign (+) signifies addition, while the multiplication sign (x) signifies multiplication. Once we know the meaning of each symbol, we can carry out the operations in the correct order to produce a final answer. In some cases, expressions may also contain variables, which are symbols that represent unknown values. In order to solve an equation with variables, we must first determine what values the variables represent. Once we know the values of the variables, we can substitute them into the expression and solve as usual. Expression in mathematics is thus a process of breaking down a mathematical phrase into its component parts in order to arrive at a final answer.

What is an Equation?

Difference between Expression and Equation

Expression is a mathematical phrase that includes numbers, operations, and/or variables. An equation is a mathematical statement that states that two expressions are equal. In other words, an equation is an equality statement; it states that the left side of the equation is equal to the right side of the equation. For example, the equation x+5=9 is an expression because it states that the value of x plus 5 equals 9. The left side of the equation (x+5) is an expression, and the right side of the equation (9) is also an expression. So, we can say that an equation is made up of two expressions that are equal to each other.


In mathematics, an expression is a combination of symbols that are evaluated to produce a single number. An equation, on the other hand, is a statement that two expressions are equal. In essence, equations solve for one or more variables in an expression by setting the expressions equal to each other and solving for the variable(s). So what’s the difference between an expression and an equation? An equation always results in a value (a number), whereas an expression can result in any type of mathematical objects, such as a number, vector, matrix, etc. When you understand the distinction between these two terms, it becomes easier to visualize how they work and apply them correctly to various problems.
