Difference Between Especially and Specially

January 2022 · 3 minute read

Especially vs Specially

Especially and Specially are two words that are often confused and hence, are wrongly interchanged, as well, because most people do not see a difference between especially and specially. They suppose it is another form of specially without any change in the meaning. However, that is not true and, as a result, it is not correct to interchange them. The word specially is used in the sense of ‘particularly’. On the other hand, the word ‘especially’ is used in the sense of ‘above all’ or in the words of the Oxford English dictionary to single out one person or thing over all others. This is the main difference between the two words. According to the Oxford dictionary, especially is by far the more common of the two, occurring as twenty time as frequently as specially in the Oxford English corpus.

What does Especially mean?

The word ‘especially’ is used in the sense of ‘above all.’ Observe the two sentences given below.

This is especially true.

Both of them are good, especially the first one.

In both the sentences, you can find that the word especially is used in the sense of ‘above all’ and hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘this is true above all’, and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘both of them are good, the first one above all’. You would also note in both example by using especially one thing is single out over all others.

Unlike the word specially, the word especially does not have a noun form. It is used primarily as an adverb. It is sometimes used as an adjective too.

What does Specially mean?

The word specially is used in the sense of ‘particularly’. Observe the two sentences given below.

This suit is specially made for him.

This is specially prepared for the occasion.

In both the sentences, you can find that the word specially is used in the sense of ‘particularly’ and hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘this suit is particularly made for him’, and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘this is particularly prepared for the occasion’. You can note that by using specially the speakers in both of the sentences mean for the special purpose of.

It is interesting to note that the word specially is used generally as an adverb. It is used along with a verb as in the case of the sentence given above. In the expression ‘specially prepared’ you can see that the word is used along with the verb ‘prepared’. The noun form of the word specially is ‘specialization’ or ‘specialist’.

Difference Between Especially and Specially

What is the difference between Especially and Specially?

• The word specially is used in the sense of ‘particularly’.

• On the other hand, the word ‘especially’ is used in the sense of ‘above all.’ In the words, it is used to single out one person or thing over all other.

• Especially and specially are used as adverbs.

• Specialization and specialist are noun form of specially.

These are the differences between the two words.
