Difference Between Elliptical and Cross Trainer

January 2023 · 3 minute read

Elliptical vs Cross Trainer

There are many options available to an individual when he decides to do low impact cardio exercises in a bid to lose weight and also to get back into shape. One sees a lot many machines in a gym that are intended to help people in their endeavor to lose weight. Elliptical is a generic term used for a wide variety of standing machines that includes cross trainers and there are people who use the terms interchangeably. However, there are subtle differences between the two machines that are both used to have low impact exercises to tone the body.


Elliptical machines are exercising machines that allow the user to move his legs freely in such a smooth manner that he feels no hard impact on any part of his body. This means that people having some problems in their lower body or joints can easily exercise on these machines to tone up their bodies. Elliptical also has the feature of adjustment that allows the user to change the motion to suit his body size and limit of movement. There are some machines that require the user to sit upright or in a bent position, whereas some machines allow the user to stand upright. Elliptical machines provide motions that are not possible in daily life.

Cross Trainer

Cross trainer is one elliptical machine that looks very similar to standard elliptical but has one major difference, and that lies in its arms that can move. One cannot adjust the incline of leg peddles of this machine. One benefit of this machine is that one can push or pull arms to have a workout of the upper body, in addition to the movement of the legs. This means that one can get exercise for those muscles that are not affected with an elliptical.

What is the difference between Elliptical and Cross Trainer?

• While a cross trainer is a type of elliptical and qualifies as an elliptical, there are some differences in construction and the way they affect body muscles.

• A cross trainer has adjustable handle arms that provide motion of upper body while exercising the lower body through pedals. On the other hand, handles are stationary in the case of elliptical.

• This means that cross trainer can provide workout for both legs and arms, whereas elliptical can work on lower body muscles only.

• Toning of chest, shoulders, and back is possible with a cross trainer while an elliptical can only work on hamstring, quadriceps, and the glutes.

• A standard elliptical is ideal for those with problems in the upper body joints as these machines have stationary handle bars.

• Cross trainer is more difficult to coordinate than a standard elliptical but better if you want to tone up lower, as well as upper body parts.
