Difference between Ecosystem and Community

February 2022 · 3 minute read

The two terms are often used interchangeably but they are quite different. Ecosystems and communities are both groups of living organisms that exist in a particular environment. However, there are several important differences between these two types of groups. Knowing the difference can help you determine which type your environment falls under. Let’s take a look at the main differences between an ecosystem and a community.

What is an Ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a natural system that involves the interdependence of living organisms with the environment. It is the combined relationship between living organisms and the non-living resources they depend on to survive. Each ecosystem has its own set of organisms, resources, and other organisms that interact with each other. An ecosystem has several components that interact with each other and with organisms.

The organisms in an ecosystem include both plants and animals. These organisms include single-celled organisms like algae and microscopic organisms like bacteria. The resources found in an ecosystem include water, soil, air, sunlight, and other chemicals that are essential to the survival of organisms. The non-living resources found in an ecosystem include minerals, oils, gases, and other substances that organisms can use to survive.

A community is a group of organisms in an environment that interact with each other and with the environment in order to survive. A community includes both plants and animals. There are a few main things that make up a community. The first is the interaction between organisms. Interactions between organisms in a community help them to survive. Interactions between organisms include the way that one organism helps to nourish another, provide a place for it to live, or provide a place for it to reproduce.

Difference between an Ecosystem and Community

Unlike ecosystems, where the organisms and resources are all found in one environment, communities can be found in many different types of places, from the inside of a house to a forest to a park. Communities can also exist between different types of organisms. For example, different types of plants can have a community between them. This can be a beneficial community. For example, in a forest, there may be certain plants that are beneficial to the forest ecosystem because they help to bring in nutrients to the forest ecosystem.

Key Terms to Understanding Ecosystems and Communities


When comparing ecosystems and communities, it is necessary to remember that ecosystems are natural systems, while communities are groups of organisms and resources that interact with each other. Both ecosystems and communities are types of ecosystems, and there are many different types of ecosystems. It is important to know the difference between ecosystems and communities to determine which ecosystem your environment falls under.
