Difference Between Diversity and Inclusion

April 2023 · 5 minute read

Identification matters in society since individuals relate to each other in more ways than those visible. Dominance and submission are like two sides of a single coin. In workplaces and in society at large, diversity prevails above all other factors. On the other hand, inclusion is important for the initiation of just procedures throughout the community.

Diversity vs Inclusion

The main difference between diversity and inclusion is that the former stems out of differences while the latter stems out of acceptance. They cannot be considered as subsets of each other since the interpretation might vary from person to person. Once diverse groups get a boost of inclusivity, a lot of problems can be overcome with ease.

Diversity means the outflow of diverse groups expressing themselves in the innate state, without any restrictions of any kind. The concept of unity in diversity is based on the numerous problems associated with the intermingling of different categories of people. Handling diversity at its roots requires a lot of hard work in terms of identifying differences.

Inclusion means the inflow of different groups to form a compact group where overall cooperation is maintained, irrespective of the minor shortcomings of either of the groups. Inclusion finds importance in large workplaces and in transformational psychology. The moral values and ethics related to acceptance is an essential facet of inclusivity.

Comparison Table Between Diversity And Inclusion

Parameters of ComparisonDiversityInclusion
MeaningDiversity is the principle that guides people to recognize the existing differences and understand the resultant uniqueness.Inclusion is a cooperative factor that lets go of minor and major differences for the sake of everyone’s mutual benefits.
FunctionsThe main function of diversity is garnering respect by understanding the natural existence of differences.Inclusion finds its significance in the blend of diverse thoughts to make people feel capable of being valued.
Driving FactorNecessity is the sole driving factor of diversity.Morals, ethics, and sociological principles help in the furtherance of inclusion.
Concept in WorkplaceDiversity in the workplace might lead to arguments and heated conflicts due to a lack of cooperation.Inclusion in the workplace acts as a guiding factor for people having different mindsets.
Form of RepresentationRepresentation of different individuals in their natural form.Cooperative representation of diverse individuals as a single unit.

What is Diversity?

Diversity is the fact that everyone is unique in some or the other way. The uniqueness brings with it some discrepancies in thoughts and opinions. Thus, no conclusion is reached when diverse groups try to establish a particular stance. Two factors that are dependent on diversity include perspectives and individuals.

For instance, diversity is when a person is given an invitation to a house party and then the person might not feel included. Once allowed to handle household chores like managing furniture, this diversity is converted into inclusion. In other words, diversity can be considered as an interconvertible antonym of inclusion.

Such a relation implies widespread confusion with regard to the overall perception. Diversity is a combination of all the different ways in which people or religions are different. There is no barrier based on language, origin, goals, etc. The overall diversification is the beauty of living creatures since even twins cannot be considered to be completely similar in all respects.

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion means the acceptance of differences among a large number of people. These differences are embraced to maintain equilibrium in society. In modern times, inclusion is in terms of culture, voice, and strength. The successful inclusion of diverse forms of humanity is the key to global peace and security. Organizations like the United Nations work on the same principles.

The common feeling of belongingness and feeling one with each other is the core concept of inclusion. People can feel it in the inclusive atmosphere or through the words spoken by the leaders. Vibes play a crucial role in the propagation of inclusive manifestos all across the globe. Once a person feels included, productivity is also boosted to a considerable extent.

Variety is the key ingredient for the practice of inclusivity. If there are no differences to be ignored or shunned, inclusivity cannot reach its highest potential. Workplaces require inclusivity because the backgrounds differ but the goals and targets are mostly similar. Inclusion helps societies prosper as the differences do not hamper development.

Main Differences Between Diversity And Inclusion

  • Diversity is defined as the existence of differently opinionated people in the same set up. On the other hand, inclusion makes naturally different people feel the minor similarities and work in the direction of mutual success for the betterment of humanity at large.
  • The functions of diversity are limited to respectfulness and it helps in striving for the inherent uniqueness, irrespective of the similaritis. On the contrary, inclusion functions as a bond between dissimilar forces for creation of successful links and potential promotions.
  • In the case of diversity, the driving force is necessity since poeple have no option other than co-existing with other people on a single planet. Inclusion is basically driven by the concept of justice and fair play as morals play an equally important role.
  • In a workplace, diversity sparks conflict since people might not find an easy way to settle the existing differences in a short while. Inclusion in the workplace is essential for conflice resolution and boosting productivity.
  • Diversity represents different individuals but inclusion represents a whole group.
  • Conclusion

    Equity in life is essential since a lot of people benefit from the policies framed by the authorities. Practicing inclusion is considered to be a motivating factor in most cases since the community is driven by morality. To frame analogies, diversity can be seen as the different puzzle pieces and inclusion implies the successful completion of that puzzle.

    Representation of diverse individuals is delegated to a powerful leader and thus, people feel secure. Inclusion and diversity always go hand in hand. Obligations make the nature of leadership much more complicated. Collective mixtures of different sociological principles aid in the successful incorporation of harmonious relationships.


  • https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1059601104273064
  • https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13603110802504515
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmnJmrsrO%2FyK2wZpmemXqqusKlrKyhn6N6uLXToWStmZKhsnA%3D