Difference Between Distinction and Honors

May 2022 · 3 minute read

Key Difference – Distinction vs Honors

Honours and distinction are two terms that are used in the context of education and grading system. However, both these terms have different meanings in the context of different degrees and education systems. The key difference between distinction and honours is that distinction refers to a high score in a grading system whereas honours refer to a type of degree.

What Does Distinction Mean?

The meaning of the term distinction may vary according to different contexts. However, distinction refers to a grade that is awarded to students with high marks. For example, if you score more than 90% in an exam, you might get a distinction. Many diploma and certificate courses use grading schemes such as Pass, Merit, and Distinction. A Distinction is also similar to A or A+.  In degree level, you’ll get a Distinction if your overall achievement falls within A grade.

Distinction can also refer to other types of awards. For example, military distinction.

Key Difference - Distinction vs Honors

Medal for For Military Distinction

What Does Honours Mean?

The term honours degree is usually used to refer to a type of degree. An honours degree, as explained in the first section, may have different meanings in different contexts. An honours degree is sometimes indicated by the abbreviation ‘Hons’. For example, “BA (Hons),” “B.A., Hons”, etc. In most cases, it refers to a type of undergraduate bachelor’s that is a higher standard of study than an ordinary bachelor’s degree. It could also involve a larger volume of material or course work. For example, the honors bachelor’s degree in the United States is a special study program that is different from the bachelor’s degree with honours in the United Kingdom and many other Commonwealth countries.

A bachelor’s degree with honours has a higher standard than a merit or ordinary pass. The awards in honours degree can be listed as follows.

First Class – Awarded to students who complete all coursework and dissertation within the A grade range.

Second Class, First/Upper Division – Usually awarded to students who complete all course work and dissertation within a B+ grade point average

Second Class, Second/Lower Division – Usually awarded to students who complete all course work and dissertation within a grade range of B to B-

Difference Between Distinction and Honors

What is the difference between Distinction and Honors?



 Image Courtesy:

“Medal for For Military Distinction MoD RF” By Fdutil – Own work (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia

“1390785” (Public Domain) via Pixabay
