Difference Between Diapause and Hibernation

October 2022 · 5 minute read

Main Difference

The main difference between diapause and hibernation is that diapause occurs in adverse conditions during both summer and winter, whereas hibernation occurs only in winter.

Diapause vs. Hibernation

Diapause is the condition which takes place both in summer and winter, whereas hibernation is the condition which occurs only during winter. During diapause, the amount of free water is reduced which is an adaptation in diapause, while no such type of adaptation is present in hibernation. During diapause the temperature is not lowered up to greater extents; on the other hand, in hibernation, the temperature is lowered up to approximately 0֯ C. Diapause is the dormant stage in the nourishment and development of an organism; on the contrary, hibernation is the state of inactivation in mature ectothermic organisms. In diapause, the development of species is postponed to survive with usual unfavorable conditions; conversely, hibernation helps animals escape in harsh winters by getting them into a deep sleep. Diapause is common in insects such as monarch butterflies, and in the embryos of many oviparous species of fishes; on the flip side, hibernation occurs in mammals like California pocket mouse, kangaroo mouse, bears, bats, different species of birds, different insects and reptiles.

Comparison Chart

Diapause is a state which forms a temporary pause in the development and growth of an organism.Hibernation is the metabolically depressed state of an organism to withstand extreme conditions during the water.
Takes place both in summer and winterOccurs only during winter
Amount of free water is reducedNo such type of adaptation is present in hibernation
Temperature is not lowered up to greater extentsTemperature is lowered up to approximately 0֯ C
State Of
The dormant stage in the nourishment and development of an organismThe state of inactivation in mature ectothermic organisms.
Reason for Happening
The development of species is postponed to survive with usual unfavorable conditionsHelps animals escape in harsh winters by getting them into a deep sleep
Common in insects such as monarch butterflies, and the embryos of many oviparous species of fishesOccurs in mammals like California pocket mouse, kangaroo mouse, bears, bats, different species of birds, different insects and reptiles

What is Diapause?

Diapause is defined as the state in an organism which undergoes to protect an animal from adverse conditions by creating a temporary pause in the processes of development and growth which acts as an adaptation for animals in diapause. Diapause is common in insects and as well as in mammals. The main objective of diapause is to protect an animal from extreme temperature and environmental conditions like droughts, low food availability, and winter. Diapause occurs in both summer and winter. This diapause could occur at any stage of life, but the main stage in which diapause is found prominent is the immobile stage of pupae. The level and stage of diapause changes according to the species, which means that the diapause could also occur at some active stages of the life of an adult that experience extensive migration such as an adult monarch butterfly. Diapause is generally accelerated with a decrement of bodily concentrations of molting and growth hormones. These variations correspond with physical changes like day length, availability of food, and the change of temperature. Diapause is the temporary consequence for a short time, unlike the hibernation. Diapause could be genetically determined, but there is a slight compute occurs to this theory which is if the animal is raised under favorable and constant conditions of environment and temperature.


Diapause is common in insects such as monarch butterflies, and the embryos of many oviparous species of fishes.

What is Hibernation?

Hibernation is generally defined as the metabolically depressed state of an organism to withstand extreme conditions during the water. In hibernation, the metabolic activity of animal is reduced to a greater extent by lowering the body temperature which is an adaptation to withstand adverse conditions of temperature and environment during winter. This hibernation term is applied to all types of dormant conditions which are usually developed by vertebrate animals. Hibernation occurs in mammals that use dens as hibernating habitats during winter. Hibernation also occurs in reptiles, but mammals and reptiles do not lower their body temperature that’s why they are not considered as true hibernators. A true hibernator is that animal which spends most of its time during winter in that state which is close to death. An animal may appear as dead unless close observations are made. They drop their body temperature at approximately 0֯ C, and their respiration rate becomes low which is almost very few breaths per minute. The heart rate becomes barely observable with gradual and slow beats.


Hibernation occurs in mammals like California pocket mouse, kangaroo mouse, bears, bats, different species of birds, different insects and reptiles.

Key Differences

  • Diapause takes place both in summer and winter, whereas hibernation occurs only during winter.
  • Amount of free water is reduced during diapause, which is an adaptation in diapause, while no such type of adaptation is present in hibernation.
  • During diapause the temperature is not dropped up to greater extents; on the other hand, in hibernation, the temperature is lowered up to approximately 0֯
  • Diapause is the inactive stage in the nourishment and development of an organism; on the contrary, hibernation is the state of inactivation in mature ectothermic organisms.
  • In diapause, the development of species is postponed to survive with usual unfavorable conditions; conversely, hibernation helps animals escape in harsh winters by getting them into a deep sleep.
  • Diapause is present in insects such as monarch butterflies, and in the embryos of many oviparous species of fishes; on the flip side, hibernation takes place in mammals like California pocket mouse, kangaroo mouse, bears, bats, different species of birds, different insects and reptiles.
  • Conclusion

    Above discussion concludes that diapause happens in adverse conditions during both summer and winter and the temperature is not lowered up to a greater extent, whereas hibernation occurs only in winter and the temperature is lowered up to approximately 0֯ C.
