Difference Between Dawn and Dusk

February 2022 · 4 minute read

Main Difference

One might have heard the idiom from Dawn to Dusk, actually both these words dawn and dusk refers to the specific times of the day. The idiom mentioned above means from early morning until night. So it should be made sure that dawn is regarding the day and dusk is regarding the night. Dawn is the time of the day when night ends and the first light appears in the sky before sunrise, in other words we can say that dawn is the starting of the day and ending of the day, On the other hand, dusk is the time of the day just before the sunset when the light disappears in the sky and the night is just on its way to start.

Comparison Chart

Dawn is the time of the day when night ends and the first light appears in the sky before sunrise.Dusk is the time of the day just before the sunset when the light disappears in the sky and the night is just on its way to start.
Time Period
Dawn is the time in between night and day.Dusk is the time in between evening and night.
Dawn is associated with calmness and hope in the English literature.Dusk is associated with sadness or severity in the English literature.
The word dawn is derived from the Old English term ‘dagian’, which refers to the time when first light falls.The word dusk is derived from the Old English term ‘dox’ meaning complete darkness.

What is Dawn?

It is the time of the day for the limited duration just before the full sunrise. In other words we can say that it is the time period when the night is ending and the day is commencing. It is neither not nor morning as the first light of the day appears in the dark sky. The light taken as the first light of the day is the sunlight, though rather than yellowish color light it appears to be of red color. Rather just a specific time of the day, dawn is symbolized as hope and wisdom in the literature. In many of the world religions dawn is one of the most ideal time to pray and meditate. It is also associated with good health as experts believe that waking up at dawn makes you mentally healthy and physically fit.

What is Dusk?

It is the time of the day when daylight fades and the night is about to come. The sun disappears in the sky and gives quite the similar view as of the dawn. Although dusk is the much busier time of the day as the night is just about to start and commuters are on their way back to homes but in literature it is taken as an unhappy or depressed time as darkness is just about to fall. It should be kept mentioned that in literature morning or dawn is seen as a ray of hope, whereas night or dusk is seen as a a sad or low morale time of the day. The word dusk is derived from the Old English term ‘dox’ meaning complete darkness. Dusk is the time of the day in between evening and night, the sunsets and the night or darkness takes over the sky.

Dawn vs. Dusk
