Difference Between Daily Harvest and Revive

August 2022 · 5 minute read

Various food delivery and purely vegan food delivery companies are present in the market. Their sole work is to deliver the customised food ingredients to the doorstep. These can be one-time service or even subscription-based. Today, we will discuss two such popular companies, Revive Superfoods and Daily Harvest. Although both of these delivery services work similarly, they differ from each other as well.

Daily Harvest vs Revive

The main differences between Daily Harvest and Revive is that Daily Harvest is not at al all helpful for those who try to shed extra calories and hence, lose weight. On the other hand, Revive Superfoods are known to help people who are trying to lose weight by its wide array of paleo-free and dairy-free products. Daily Harvest and Revive are two-door-step delivery systems, providing people with essential organic foods in frozen form.

Food items that have been frozen earlier are used in Daily Harvest. Thus preparation takes less time. Not all of the components in Daily Harvest are certified organic. Daily Harvest‘s products are completely gluten-free, vegan and include no preservatives or additives. Daily Harvest has a high price tag attached to it. Daily Harvest goods can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three months after they are delivered. Weight loss is not aided by Daily Harvest products.

Revive Superfoods uses high-quality, locally sourced ingredients. Organic goods are not usually produced by Revive Superfoods. Dairy-free, paleo-friendly, and vegan by Revive Superfoods are also available. Revive is rather inexpensive. The products should be used within two months of receipt, according to Revive Superfoods. Weight loss is a common benefit of Revive Superfoods.

Comparison Table Between Daily Harvest and Revive

Parameters of ComparisonDaily HarvestRevive
FoodsFoods are frozen and need less time for preparation.Ingredients are generally bought from local suppliers.
OrganicNot all items are Organic.Produce organic ingredients, but not always.
Produce typeVegan, gluten-free, zero preservatives a d zero additives.Paleo-friendly, dairy-free and vegan.
Price RangeExpensive price range.Quite affordable.
Storage durability3 months2 months
Weight LossWeight loss is not aided.Weight loss is supported.

What is Daily Harvest?

Food items that have been frozen earlier are used in Daily Harvest, reducing the amount of time spent preparing them. Daily Harvest does not guarantee that all of its ingredients are organic. Daily Harvest uses no preservatives or additives in its gluten-free, vegan goods. The price range for Daily Harvest is quite high. Daily Harvest goods can be kept in the fridge for up to three months after delivery. Weight loss is not aided by Daily Harvest’s products.

Daily Harvest is a delivery service that delivers vegan food at the doorstep. It also offers oat and chia bowls, snacks, smoothies, lattes, soups, flatbreads and harvest bowls. By assisting in the inclusion of more veggies and fruits in your diet, the company hopes to make eating healthy easy and delightful. Daily Harvest, on the other hand, is pricey and may not be suitable for people with severe food allergies or those following specific diets.

What is Revive?

Revive Superfoods uses high-quality ingredients that are typically sourced from local vendors. Revive Superfoods occasionally produces organic products, although this is not always the case. Revive Superfoods are also vegan, dairy-free, and paleo-friendly. Revive is reasonably priced, with single-serving prices ranging from $5.99 to $6.99. The products should be used within two months of obtaining them, according to Revive Superfoods. Weight loss is known to be aided by Revive Superfoods.

The service of Revive Superfoods is based on subscription. However, it super meals, smoothie bowls, smoothies, falafel pops, and oat bowls, among other snacks and meals. Monthly and weekly plans are available, allowing you to order preportioned foods that can be ready in minutes. Revive Superfoods offers a diverse menu with a variety of distinct flavours and ingredients. All goods are supplied in high-quality insulated bags to keep them frozen during transportation.

Main Differences Between Daily Harvest and Revive

  • Daily Harvest has used those food items which were frozen previously, and hence their preparation would take less time. On the other hand, Revive Superfoods make use of high and good quality items, which are generally bought from the local suppliers.
  • Not all Daily Harvest ingredients are known to be organic. On the other hand, Revive Superfoods produce organic items, but not always.
  • Daily Harvest produces a hundred per cent gluten-free, vegan products with absolutely null preservatives and additives. On the other hand, Revive Superfoods are also dairy-free, paleo-friendly and vegan.
  • Daily Harvest comes with an expensive price range. On the other hand, Revive is quite affordable, with a price range from $5.99 to $6.99 per serving of a single item.
  • The items delivered by Daily Harvest can be stored in the refrigerator up to three months from the date of receiving. On the other hand, Revive Superfoods suggests using the products within two months of receiving them.
  • Daily Harvest products do not support weight loss. On the other hand, Revive Superfoods are known for aiding weight loss.
  • Conclusion

    When choosing a smoothie delivery service that is perfect for you, there are a few things to consider. To begin, carefully read the ingredient list and avoid smoothies that include a lot of added sugar, additives, preservatives, or artificial flavours. Look for a product that is high in vital nutrients like minerals, protein, fibre, and vitamins on the nutrition label. Companies should, ideally, offer a variety of smoothies in a variety of flavours and components to guarantee that you get enough nutrients in your diet.

    If you have any dietary restrictions or allergies, seek a company that can accommodate them. Finally, think about how much time smoothies take to prepare. Others may need to be blended, shaken, or stirred before consumption. Consider ingredients, nutritional value, menu variety, and the amount of prep work required when choosing a smoothie delivery service. Hence, Daily Harvest or Revive? Choose accordingly.


  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=73HhVpahYKsC&oi=fnd&pg=PA61&dq=revive+Superfoods&ots=NRaW_44E0Q&sig=-Yi26XT4RxsFRe2FUFLzo4Z3_tg
  • https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6548825/
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmnJGeubp5x5qpr52jqXqiusNmqZ6umauycA%3D%3D