Difference Between Culture and Custom

March 2022 · 5 minute read

Main Difference

The main difference between Culture and Custom is that Culture is the skills, customs, and behaviors that illustrate a specific society or state, whereas Custom is a frequent recurrence of the same conduct.

Culture vs. Custom

Culture is the features and awareness of a defined group of people. In contrast, Custom is a behavior passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning with origins in the past. Human Cultures vary melodramatically from unique based on a host of various aspects, including languages, religions, and foods, to name a rare. On the other hand, a Custom is a simple way of doing things. It is something that several persons do, and have done for a long time.

Culture is a compound procedure of agreement and standardization, whereas Custom would define a belief or behavior. Culture also covers information, morals, skill, rule, customs, and any other abilities and ways learned by man as an associate of civilization. Custom is the lifeblood of any vibrant society; if we put, customs are a part of the culture.

Culture can be used in a broad sense, whereas an individual or a small group follow Customs. Culture typically remains the same over many generations; on the other hand, Customs can change by the ages.

Comparison Chart

To classify the thoughts, traditions and social behavior of a particular persons or societyConcepts and beliefs passed down from one generation to another generation.
Culture is a huge part.Custom is part of the culture.
A particular social group of people forms it.Individuals can create it.
Represented through customPart of culture
Represented through concrete elementsWay of behaving
Agreement and standardizationBelief or behavior

What is Culture?

Culture is a social marvel that designates the structures of a specific society. Culture can mention the lives built up by a group of people. Culture is not a tangible concept; it is an abstract, Foods, apparels, rituals, art, etc. are the only material representation of culture.

In Pakistani culture, non-urban areas of Pakistan have fluctuating levels of gender separation, while large cities to have traditional prospects in terms of relations between men and women. Pair usually don’t hug and kiss in public in a non-platonic way. Irrespective of that, the persons of Pakistan are obliging, welcoming, friendly, and modest.

Culture can use in a very broad sense, such as the culture of a nation, or a very narrow sense, such as the culture of an individual school or business. Cultures classically experience a lot of change over time; some happen quickly, and others slowly. Culture is a much broader term.

Types of Culture

What is Custom?

A custom is a broadly accepted, traditional way of performing or doing something specific to a particular society, place, or time. Each nation, religion, community have their exclusive customs. A specific gesture, behavior, experience, or act turns into a custom when it continuously practiced. When this is followed for several ages and passed down to fresher generations, it becomes a custom.

Custom contributes a reason of ease and belonging. It transmits relatives together and enables persons to re-join with friends. Customs are also impractical sometimes, but they don’t change due to the worth of their connection to history. Customs naturally stay similar over several generations.

Over the period, customs develop the law of ordinary life. They make and keep coordination in people. For instance, later handshaking converts a standard, an individual who failures to proposal his hand upon gathering another may observe down upon and apparent negatively. Reflect what might occur if an entire section of a population unexpectedly decided to discontinue shaking hands, supposing that handshaking was a very important custom in that civilization. Dislike might grow among the hand-shakers and the non-shakers, dispersal into other areas. Hand-shakers might assume that, if the non-shakers won’t shake hands, perhaps it’s because they’re clean or dirty. Or maybe the non-shakers feel that they’re bigger and don’t want to smear themselves by touching the hands of a lower person.

Some shocking customs from the World are mortar with lips in Nicaragua, canoodling in France, tipping in the U.S., hanging out in cemeteries in Denmark, slurping in Japan, kneeling or lying prostrate as greeting in Nigeria, using the left hand for things, etc.

Key Differences

  • Culture is a complex entire with beliefs, awareness, rituals, moralities, customs, and further habits and capabilities of individuals. In contrast, Custom is a traditional way of behaving or performing something specific to a particular place, time, or society.
  • Culture is an abstract, represented through particular features, whereas Custom is a way of doing things.
  • Culture can characterize through custom; on the other hand, Custom is a part of the culture.
  • Our Culture describes what we are, but our Custom explains what we consume or what we make use of.
  • Culture is the arts and habits that characterize a particular society or nation, while Custom is a frequent repetition of the same behavior.
  • Conclusion

    Today’s Culture is tomorrow’s Custom. When a Culture transferred from generation to generation, it becomes the form of Custom. Culture’s scope is broader than the Custom. The main object of understanding here is Culture is something which a society practice, the Custom is something which a society carry on.
