Difference Between Crunches and Sit Ups

January 2023 · 5 minute read

Working out leads to fitness and also helps to keep the body healthy and far from diseases. Workout also helps to maintain good mental health. It is found from studies that working out for 15 minutes can help in increases concentration levels. There are many types of workouts classified according to body parts. Here two famous workouts are sit-ups and crunches, which are used interchangeably, but there is a difference between them. So here are some listed differences between sit-ups and crunches.

Crunches vs Sit Ups

The main difference between sit-ups and crunches is the range of motion between them. The crunches are small-range exercises, but the sit-ups are considered long-range exercises. In crunches, one has to move their torso a few inches from the ground, while in sit-ups, one has to reach in few inches from their thighs.

Crunches are a very popular exercise. Most of the workouts routines include crunches in them. Crunches mainly focus on the abdominal muscles. It is a very effective exercise if someone targets to lose belly fat or wants six abs. The correct posture is the main thing to be considered to achieve the target. 

Sit-ups are also very popular exercises. But to do this exercise should be under the observation of an expert. This exercise is very effective but carries a dangerous amount of injuries. This exercise mainly focuses on all lower muscles, including the abdominal muscles. This is a tough exercise and needs regular practice to crack the target.

Comparison Table Between Crunches and Sit Ups

Parameters of ComparisonCrunchesSit Ups
Range of motionSmaller range of motionLonger range of motion
Targeted musclesThis exercise targets only the abs musclesThis exercise targets many other muscles including the abs
Risks  of injuryThis is less risky as it put less strain on the spineThis is riskier as it puts a huge amount of strain on the spine
PostureIt requires lifting the torso to a 30-degree angle from the floorIt is directed to uplift the full torso with a few inches gap from the thighs.
DamageThis can lead to pain in the back due to strain in the spineThis can lead to tissue damages and can lead to permanent lower back pain and sometimes spine damage depending on body type

What are Crunches?

Crunches are a very popular exercise. Most of the workouts routines include crunches in them. Crunches mainly focus on the abdominal muscles. It is a very effective exercise if someone targets to lose belly fat or wants six abs. The correct posture is the main thing to be considered to achieve the target. 

Crunches are smaller range exercises. It requires the body to move around in a little direction. That is, in the procedure, one has to lift the upper portion of the body at a 30-degree angle from the ground. It also has a direction to support the head from the back with hands and then lift the body to avoid sprain at the neck. The special note here is that never touch the chin with the chest. This exercise can be performed in three sets with fifteen repeats in each set.

Do this exercise in a correct posture to avoid any injury to the lower back. In the beginning, it can lead to small strains on the back, but the muscles will get comfortable gradually. This exercise does not lead to longer or permanent damages.

What are Sit Ups?

Sit-ups are also very popular exercises. But to do this exercise should be under the observation of an expert. This exercise is very effective but carries a dangerous amount of injuries. This exercise mainly focuses on all lower muscles, including the abdominal muscles. This is a tough exercise and needs regular practice to crack the target.

Sit-ups are longer-range exercises. It is considered so because, in this exercise, one has to lift the upper body to a few inches from the thigh. As it needs to move the body part a long distance, it is considered a long-range exercise. In this exercise, one is instructed to support the back of the head with the hands and then lift the body. This workout can be done in three sets with ten repeats in each set. Beginners can perform one set at staring and increase gradually.

This exercise should be done under the observation of an expert. If this exercise is done in the wrong posture, it can lead to serious injuries and can result in permanent lower back pain and sometimes can even lead to spine injury. The damage depends on the body type of the person.

Main Differences Between Crunches and Sit Ups

  • Crunches are considered as an exercise of a smaller range of motion, but on the other hand, sit-ups are considered as a longer range of motion exercise.
  • The exercise called crunches targets only the abs muscles. In contrast, sit-ups target many other muscles, including the abs.
  • Crunches are less risky as it put less strain on the spine, but the other hand sit-ups are riskier as it puts a huge amount of strain on the spine.
  • Crunches require to lift the torso to a 30-degree angle from the floor, but in sit-ups, it is directed to uplift the full torso with a few inches gap from the thighs.
  • Damage due to crunches includes it can lead to pain in the back due to strain in the spine, but sit-ups can cause tissue damages and may lead to permanent lower back pain and sometimes spine damage depending on body type.
  • Conclusion

    Two famous workouts are sit-ups and crunches, which are used interchangeably, but they are different in many directions. So some differences among them are discussed with the correct procedure to perform the correct procedure can lead to quick results and also saves the person from any pain or injuries. 

    The main differences between these two are the range of motion of the workouts. The crunches are of shorter-range motion, whereas the sit-ups are of longer-range motion. This also determines the difficulty level of the exercises. These are very effective workouts for building abdominal muscles. One can practice these regularly to maintain a fit and healthy physic.


  • htthttps://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/Fulltext/2016/12000/Abdominal_Crunches_Are_Are_Not_a_Safe_and.11.aspx
  • https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02701367.1992.10608743
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmm6Kqu6S0xKxkmqaUYsCqwIyup6xn