Difference Between Control Structures and Control Statements

September 2022 · 3 minute read

Control Structures vs Control Statements

Summary: Difference Between Control Structures and Control Statements is that when programmers are required to design the logic of a program, they typically use control structures to describe the tasks a program is to perform. A control structure, also known as a construct, depicts the logical order of program instructions. While a Control Statement is a statement that control the execution of other statements. Control Statements tells program to execute statement in a condition or not.

Difference Between Control Structures and Control Statements

Control Structures

When programmers are required to design the logic of a program, they typically use control structures to describe the tasks a program is to perform. A control structure, also known as a construct, depicts the logical order of program instructions. Three basic control structures are sequence, selection, and repetition.

Sequence Control Structure

A sequence control structure shows one or more actions following each other in order. Actions include inputs, processes, and outputs. All actions must be executed; that is, none can be skipped. Examples of actions are reading a record, calculating averages or totals, and printing totals.

Selection Control Structure

A selection control structure tells the program which action to take, based on a certain condition. Two common types of selection control structures are the if-then-else and the case.

Repetition Control Structure

The repetition control structure enables a program to perform one or more actions repeatedly as long as a certain condition is met. Many programmers refer to this construct as a loop. Two forms of the repetition control structure are the do-while and do-until.

Control Statements

A Control Statement is a statement that control the execution of other statements. Control Statements tells program to execute statement in a condition or not. There are different types of control statements:

if Statement helps program to understand whether statement 1 is going to be executed or statement 2. if statement decides whether to execute another statement.

Loop is a statement that tells program how many times a statement will be executed. Three types of loops are:

Switch statement is a statement that decides which statement is going to execute from several statements.

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