Difference Between Control Limits and Specification Limits

April 2022 · 3 minute read

Yes, Control limits and Specification limits are different. Specification limits are the targets set for the process/product by customer or market performance or internal target. ... Control limits on the other hand are the indicators of the variation in the performance of the process.

What is the difference between statistical process control limits and specification limits?

Control limits are calculated from process data for a particular control chart.
Control Limits vs. Specification Limits.

Control LimitsSpecification Limits
Voice of the processVoice of the customer
Calculated from DataDefined by the customer
Appear on control chartsAppear on histograms
Apply to subgroupsApply to items

What is a specification limit?

Specification limits are the values between which products or services should operate. These limits are usually set by customer requirements. For example, you print labels for a shipping process. If the labels are too big or too small, they will not feed into printers properly.

What is the difference between USL and UCL?

The UCL or upper control limit and LCL or lower control limit are limits set by your process based on the actual amount of variation of your process. The USL or upper specification limit and LSL or lower specification limit are limits set by your customers requirements.

What does control limit mean?

Definition of Control Limits: Control limits define the area three standard deviations on either side of the centerline, or mean, of data plotted on a control chart. Do not confuse control limits with specification limits. Control limits reflect the expected variation in the data.

How are control limits calculated?

Control limits are calculated by: Estimating the standard deviation, σ, of the sample data. Multiplying that number by three. Adding (3 x σ to the average) for the UCL and subtracting (3 x σ from the average) for the LCL.

What are the two specification limits in control charts?

These are USL (Upper Specification Limit) and LSL (Lower Specification Limit).

What is the upper specification limit?

Definition of Upper Specification Limit (USL): An upper specification limit, also known as an upper spec limit, or USL, is a value below which performance of a product or process is acceptable. Upper Specific Limit: representing the maximum acceptable value of a variable (see also LSL).

What is the lower specification limit?

Definition of Lower Specification Limit (LSL): Value above which performance of a product or process is acceptable. This is also known as a lower spec limit or lower specific limit representing the minimum acceptable value of a variable.

What is tolerance limit?

limits of tolerance The upper and lower limits to the range of particular environmental factors (e.g. light, temperature, availability of water) within which an organism can survive.

What is a good CP and CPK?

In general, the higher the Cpk, the better. A Cpk value less than 1.0 is considered poor and the process is not capable. A value between 1.0 and 1.33 is considered barely capable, and a value greater than 1.33 is considered capable. But, you should aim for a Cpk value of 2.00 or higher where possible.

How is USL calculated?

The page offers you the USL formula to perform Upper Specification Limit calculation. To find USL, multiply the process capability index and Process Standard deviation and then multiply the obtained value with 6. Add it with Lower Specification Limit (LSL).

How is UCL calculated?

Calculate the X-bar Chart Upper Control Limit, or upper natural process limit, by multiplying R-bar by the appropriate A2 factor (based on subgroup size) and adding that value to the average (X-bar-bar). UCL (X-bar) = X-bar-bar + (A2 x R-bar) Plot the Upper Control Limit on the X-bar chart.
