Difference Between Conflict and Controversy

June 2022 · 4 minute read

Conflict vs Controversy

Both conflict and controversy arises due to differing interests and opinions, but there are certain differences between conflict and controversy. A conflict is a serious disagreement. A conflict can arise between two or more parties. A conflict results when there is a difference in interest between two groups, members of a single group, or else even within the individual. On the other hand, the controversy is a public debate about a matter that arouses strong opinions. Controversy involves varied opinions but concerns the general public. This is the difference between a conflict and a controversy. This article attempts to highlight the difference between the two words.

What is a Conflict?

A conflict can be defined as a serious disagreement or a struggle between two or more parties. This can even end up in a battle or war. However, a conflict does not arise out of the blue. First, there has to be a condition where there is a clear difference in interests between two parties. Even this difference does not give rise to a conflict unless both parties are frustrated and have no opportunity to resolve the situation. This leads to a conflict.

A conflict can arise between two groups or else between members of the same group. Sometimes a conflict can arise within an individual as well; this is referred to as an internal conflict. In relation to group dynamics, conflicts occur when there is a scarcity of resources. For example, in an organization, a conflict can occur due to the scarcity of machinery that is needed for two separate departments. This can lead to a conflict. Conflicts can arise between states as well. The First and Second World Wars bear evidence to inter-state conflicts.

Difference Between Conflict and Controversy

Conflict can end up turning into a war or a battle

What is a Controversy?

A controversy can be understood as a public debate about a matter that arouses strong opinions. When a controversial topic arises, there are people who have different opinions about the same topic. It is this mismatch of opinions among the people that gives rise to a controversy. Within gender debates, politics, education, religion and culture,there are many controversial topics.

The key characteristic in a controversy is that there are different standpoints of people and a public interest in the topic. For example, let us take two controversial topics from education and also from female employment. Firstly, within the education field, the establishment of private universities is a controversial topic. There are people who are for this and others who are against this. Some argue that the establishment of private universities should be approved as they increase the possibilities for more children to get involved in the education process. Others, however, believe that such measures would reduce the value of education to a commercial process, making education also a commercial market. This leads to a controversy. Sometimes a controversy can even lead to a conflict between two groups.

Now, let us move on to another controversial topic in female employment. In South Asian countries, the migration of young mothers to the Gulf region for employment as housemaids is an established practice. However, while some believe that this brings foreign exchange to the country and has a positive impact on the economy of the country as well as individuals, others believe that this results in the isolation of children and detriment of family ties. Hence, this once again becomes a controversial topic in the society. This highlights that a conflict and a controversy are different from one another.

A controversy is a public debate about a matter that arouses strong opinions

A controversy is a public debate about a matter that arouses strong opinions

What is the difference between Conflict and Controversy?

• Definitions of Conflict and Controversy:

• A conflict is a serious disagreement or a struggle between two or more parties.

• A controversy is a public debate about a matter that arouses strong opinions.

• Parties Involved:

• A conflict is a disagreement between two groups, members of a single group, or else even within the individual.

• A controversy is a public debate.

• Voice of the Public:

• In a conflict, the voice of the public is usually ignored.

• In a controversy, it is not so.

• Scarcity of Resources:

• A conflict can arise due to the scarcity of resources.

• A controversy does not arise due to the scarcity of resources. It usually stems from an issue that has social relevance such as gender or politics.

Images Courtesy:

  • Conflict by Mstyslav Chernov (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  • Arguing by David Shankbone (CC BY-SA 3.0)
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