Difference Between Chose and Choose

May 2022 · 3 minute read

The key difference between chose and choose is that chose is a past tense verb whereas choose is a present tense verb meaning to select something.

Many English learners find the two verb chose and choose confusing. Choose is an irregular verb, which is used to indicate the present and future. Chose is the past tense form of choose. Choose basically means to select something. Although the spellings of the words are somewhat similar, they are pronounced differently: choose as /tʃuːz/ and, chose as /tʃəʊz/.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What Does Choose Mean
3. What Does Chose Mean
4. Relationship Between Chose and Choose
5. Side by Side Comparison – Chose vs Choose in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What Does Choose Mean?

Choose is an irregular verb with the meaning pick out or select someone or something from two or more possibilities. Choose is the simple present tense form. You can make the simple future tense form of the verb using an auxiliary verb such as will or shall.

Difference Between Chose and Choose

Figure 01: I told her to choose whatever she likes.

The following examples will help you to understand the meaning and usage of this verb better.

You can only choose options available in the menu.

She found it difficult to choose between the two men in her life.

His mother told him to choose any flavor he wants.

Did you choose a present for Dylan?

The coach will choose three new players for the football team tomorrow.

What Does Chose Mean?

Chose is the simple past tense of the verb choose. You have to use chose to describe a choice you made in the past.  In other words, use of verb chose indicates that your choice is already made.

Key Difference Between Chose and Choose

Figure 02: He chose a CD from the stack.

The sentences below will help you to understand the meaning of this verb more clearly.

I chose the red wine over the white one.

He chose to go alone.

They chose a bright color scheme for their living room.

The students chose Thomas as their class representative.

He said that he chose to remain silent on the subject.

What is the Relationship Between Chose and Choose?

What is the Difference Between Chose and Choose?

Choose is a simple present verb form, meaning to pick out something. Chose is the simple past tense of the verb choose. Therefore, chose indicates the past while choose indicates the present. This is the main difference between chose and choose. Moreover, when we are talking about a choice, chose indicates that the choice has already been made while choose indicates that choice is yet to be made.

Difference Between Chose and Choose in Tabular Form

Summary – Chose vs Choose

The difference between chose and choose stems from their tense; choose indicates present tense while chose indicates past tense. Both verb forms refer to picking out something or someone from two or more alternatives.

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1.”2557483″ by StockSnap (CC0) via pixabay
2.”1850085″ by Pexels (CC0) via pixabay
