Difference Between Character and Charisma

June 2023 · 3 minute read

Character vs Charisma

Since character and charisma are two words that people often tend to confuse with one other, it is worthwhile to understand the difference between them. Character refers to the distinctive personal qualities that are unique to an individual. When we say he is a man of great character, this implies that the individual possesses good qualities, principles, a moral and an ethical code. Charisma, on the other hand, does not necessarily imply the same thing. It is an ability that a person has which allows the individual to inspire and create an enthusiasm in other people. The main difference between the two is that while character focuses on the inner qualities, which make up an individual, charisma deals with the external magnetism with which the individual can draw the attention of others. This article attempts to highlight the difference between the two terms by elaborating on each term.

What does Character mean?

Character can be defined as the specific qualities that an individual possesses. A person of character has a number of positive qualities such as integrity, honesty, morality, honour, the purity of actions and words, good reputation, etc. These qualities highlight that the focus is on the inside of the human being. This is very difficult to comprehend because people are capable of concealing their character from the world outside. However, it has to be born in mind that a person with a good character is always motivated to act on what it morally accurate and on what is fair.


A leader with character

When it comes to leadership as well, a leader with character whether he has charisma or not would always thrive for the worthy cause and becomes an inspiration to his followers because the leader can set an example to others through his own character.

What does Charisma mean?

Charisma can be defined as the power to inspire admiration or enthusiasm in other people. A person with charisma naturally has a certain magnetic appeal to others and it is this appeal that makes others follow or admire the individual. Sometimes, a person with charisma may not even possess a positive character, but he can influence others through his charisma. In this sense, charisma should not be considered as a personal trait, but a certain appeal that a person has.

Difference Between Character and Charisma

Marilyn Monroe is known as a powerful sex symbol due to her popular charisma.

When speaking of leadership, there is a concept referred to as charismatic leadership. These leaders have a particular magnetism towards them which makes the followers completely devoted to the leaders. Such a leader can control his followers through direct emotional appeal. Followers often look up to such leaders and consider them as exceptional. A charismatic leader may not have a good character, but can develop intense loyalties in his people.

What is the difference between Character and Charisma?

• Character can be defined as the specific qualities that an individual possesses.

• A person of character has a number of positive qualities such as integrity, honesty, morality, honour, the purity of actions and words, good reputation, etc.

• Charisma can be defined as the ability to inspire admiration or enthusiasm in other people.

• A person with charisma has a certain magnetic appeal to others and it is this appeal that makes others follow or admire the individual.

• The main difference between the two is that while character focuses on the inner qualities which make up an individual and draws others due to these qualities, charisma deals with the external magnetism with which the individual can draw the attention of others.

Images Courtesy:

  • Leader by Sudosurootdev (CC BY-SA 4.0)
  • Marilyn Monroe via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
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